Dublin Gastronomy Symposium | Symposia/Conferences | Technological University Dublin

Dublin Gastronomy Symposium


Dear Friends,

Fáilte Uí Cheallaigh chuig an seachtú cruinniú do Shiompóisiam Ghastranamaíocht Bhaile Átha Cliaith.

Welcome to the Dublin Gastronomy Symposium website.

The next Dublin Gastronomy Symposium will be held 26/27 May 2026.

Here you can find the Programme for the DGS 2024 as well as the DGS 2024 Map of Producers!

For further information about the conference, please consult the pages of our previous events (see below) or contact us at dgs@tudublin.ie.

Here you can find a visual taste of the 2016 Dublin Gastronomy Symposium

Tá súil again sibh a fheiceáil ag an gcomhthionóil i mBaile Átha Cliath i 2026!
We hope to welcome you at the next Symposium in Dublin in 2026!

Dr Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire on behalf of the DGS Organising Committee

Browse the contents of Dublin Gastronomy Symposium:

2024: Food and Memory - Traces, Trauma and Tradition
2022: Food and Movement
2020: Food and Disruption: What shall we eat tomorrow?
2018 Food and Power
2016 Food and Revolution
2014 Food and Cravings/Desires
2012 Gastronomy: Past, Present and Future