Dublin Gastronomy Symposium Ethos
"The gentle art of gastronomy is a friendly one. It hurdles the language barrier, makes friends among civilized people, and warms the heart."
(Samuel Chamberlain: Artist & Writer 1895-1975)
Gastronomy forms an important part of our everyday life and the Dublin Gastronomy Symposium provides a forum for those interested in gastronomy research to come together, network and engage in academic discourse regarding “all things food”. While academic rigour is crucial for successful outcomes, in an event such as this the Symposium places equal emphasis on providing opportunities for interested gastronomes to interact with each other outside of formal presentations.
We consider informal engagement an integral part of the Symposium’s ethos and we would like to think that our USP involves giving our delegates the opportunity to engage in convivial gastronomic experiences as part of the symposium and we encourage all attendees to participate.
We believe that it is only through both formal and informal interaction among that the gastronomic community that a true research agenda can be achieved. There is a real need to create a sense of community in the field of gastronomic research and the Dublin Gastronomy Symposium has an important role to play in nurturing the development of mutually beneficial relationships that should prove both fruitful and enjoyable in the years to come.