Content Posted in 2010
3DQ: Threat Dome Visibility Querying on Mobile Devices, James Carswell, Keith Gardiner, and Junjun Yin
Academic Change in Higher Education in Europe, Kevin Kelly and Mike Murphy
Academic Leadership and Curriculum Change: the Development of a Programme in Applied Social Studies, Perry Share
Accelerometer Based Measurement for the Mapping of Neck Surface Vibrations During Vocalized Speech, Mark Nolan, Brian Madden, and Edward Burke
Accelerometer Based Measurement of Body Movement for Communication, Play, and Creative Expression, Mark Nolan, Edward Burke, and Frank Duignan
A Celebration of Foster Care, Siobhain Cregan
A Competence-Based Curriculum for Environmental Health, Steven Konkel
Adaptation to college and individuation-attachment : a review of first year students in contemporary Ireland, Sarah Simmons
Addressing the Special Needs of Survivors of Torture, Patrick O'Sullivan
A Film Marketing Action Plan (FMAP) for Film Induced Tourism Destinations, Noelle O'Connor
A Framework to Develop Lifelong Learning and Transferable Skills in an Engineering Programme, Gavin Duffy and Brian Bowe
A Gap Model for Understanding the Variation of the Real Product from the Ideal, Kevin Delaney, Pat Phelan, and Declan Delaney
A Linear Finite Element Acoustic Fluid-Structure Model of Ultrasonic Angioplasty in Vivo, Mark Wylie, Garrett McGuinness, and Graham Gavin
All the World's a Stage: Playing our Part in the Social Care or Child and Youth Care Production, Niall McElwee
A Long and Winding Road to Employment?: Disabled Young People in Northern Ireland Making The Transition to Adulthood, John McLaughlin, Marina Monteith, and Helga Sneddon
A March of Moral Panic?: An Examination Of Reaction To Crime in Ireland in March 2006, Robin Maginn
A Model of Induction for Specialised Residential Care, Ann McWilliams, Siobhan Quinlan Cooke, and Niall Hanlon
A Model of Social Work Education: Providing Professional Training for Practitioners in Full-Time Employment, Nuala Lordan, Ann O'Sullivan, and Margaret O'Connor
An Adventure in Service-Learning: Developing Knowledge, Values and Responsibility, Anto Kerins
Analysis of Data Sets Using Trio Sonification, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Analysis of Engineering Students Learning Styles on Level 7, Level 8 and Level 9 Programmes, Aidan O'Dwyer
Analysis of Indentation Loading of Cortical Bone Using Acoustic Emission Techniques, Ashkan Safari, Ger Reilly, and Brendan McCormack
Analysis of Transformer Ratings in a Wind Farm Environment, John McCarthy
An Anthology of Enterprise Policy in Ireland, William Gorman and Thomas Cooney
An Assessment of Case-Based Reasoning for Spam Filtering, Sarah Jane Delany, Padraig Cunningham, and Lorcan Coyle
An Assessment of the Vulnerablity of Coastal Stone Monuments in Ireland, Jason Bolton
And It Seemed Only Yesterday: the Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies Celebrates It's 5th. Birthday, Brody Cameron
An Electrooculogram-based Binary Saccade Sequence Classification (BSSC) Technique for Augmentative Communication and Control, Johnalan Keegan, Ted Burke, and James Condron
An electro-oculogram based system for communication and control using target position variation, Ronan Fitzmaurice, Ted Burke, and Annraoi De Paor
An Evaluation of Foster Parents' Attitudes Towards Birth Parents, Deborah C. Browne
An Evaluation of the Role of Senior Traveller Training Centres, Maureen Foley
An Evolutionary Perspective on Engineering Design, William Grimson and Mike Murphy
A New Eccentric Geomagnetic Dipole to give the Correct Dip Pole Locations, Annraoi De Paor and Ted Burke
A New Photopolymer Recording Material for Holographic Applications: Photochemical and Holographic Studies Towards an Optimized System, Suzanne Martin
An Experimental Technique for Measurement of Heat Generated During Bone Sawing, Hamid Khalili Parsa, Ger Reilly, and Brendan McCormack
An Experiment Using a Simple PhotoAssisted Fuel Cell Designed to Remediate Simulated Wastewater, John Cassidy, Faisa Touati, and Kevin McGuigan
An Exploration of Health Professional Support for Breastfeeding, Barbara Whelan
An exploration of manager’s practices in and attitudes towards staff vetting in children’s residential centres, Catherine Hanly
An Exploration of the Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Breastfeeding Among a Sample of Chinese Mothers in Ireland, Qianling Zhou, Katherine Younger, and John Kearney
An Indigenous Industry under Competitative Pressures: the Irish Footwear Sector, Anto Kerins
An Investigation into the Stickiness of Tacit Knowledge Transfer, Alison Murray and Philomena Hanlon
An Investigation of Semantic Links to Archetypes in an External Clinical Terminology through the Construction of Terminological "Shadows", Sheng Yu, Damon Berry, and Jesús Bisbal
An Investigation of the Heat Affected Zone in Cortical Bone Sawing, Hamid Khalili Parsa, Ger Reilly, Brendan McCormack, and Andrew Macey
An Investigation of the RWPE Prostate Derived Family of Cell Lines Using FTIR Spectroscopy, M. Baker, Colin Clarke, D. Demoulin, J. Nicolson, Fiona Lyng, Hugh Byrne, C. Hart, M. Brown, N. Clarke, and P. Gardner
Annual Report 1 September 1994- 31 August, 1995, Dublin Institute of Technology
Annual Report 1 September 1995 - 31 August, 1996, Dublin Institute of Technology
Annual Report 1 September 1996- 31 August, 1997, Dublin Institute of Technology
Annual Report 1 September 1997 - 31 August, 1998, Dublin Institute of Technology
Annual Report 1 September 1998 - 31 August, 1999, Dublin Institute of Technology
Annual Report 1 September 1998 - 31 August, 1999, Dublin Institute of Technology
Annual Report 1 September 2000 - 31 August, 2001, Dublin Institute of Technology
A Novel Approach to Predicting the Lifetime of Elastomers Undergoing Stress Relaxation, Stephen Ronan
A Novel Telescopic Boom Deployment System for Use in Upper Atmosphere Research, Mark Wylie, Paul Duffy, Dinesh Vather, Johnalan Keegan, and Stephen Curran
A Novel TiO2 / PVC Layer for Use in a Photoelectrochemical Cell, Faiza Touati, John Cassidy, and Kevin McGuigan
A Novel TiQ2-Assisted Solar Photocatalytic Batch-Process Disinfection Reactor for the Treatment of Biological and Chemical Contaminants in Domestic Drinking Water in Developing Countries, E. F. Duffy, F. Al Touati, S. C. Kehoe, O. A. McLoughlin, L. W. Gill, W. Gernjak, I. Oller, M. I. Maldonado, S. Malato, John Cassidy, R. H. Reed, and K. G. McGuigan
A Pattern Reconfigurable Slot Antenna with Hybrid Feed, Matthias John and Max Ammann
A Political Economy of Formatted Pleasures, Edward Brennan
A Project-Based Learning Approach to Applied Craft Calculations Within Apprenticeship Education: An Action Research Study, Kevin Furlong
A Qualitative Study of Public Perspectives on Family Support Services in Ireland, Claire M. Jackson and Catherine M. Heffernan
A Raman Spectroscopy Study of the Solubilisation of SWCNTS by POlycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Sourabhi Debnath, Qiaohuan Cheng, Theresa Hedderman, and Hugh Byrne
A Revamped Journal and Publishing Arrangements: IJASS from 1998-2003, Niall C. McElwee
A Review of Key Factors Affecting the Adoption of Self-Service Technologies in Tourism., Petranka Kelly, Jennifer Lawlor, and Michael Mulvey
A Review of Suffer the Little Children by Mary Rafferty and Eoin O'Sullivan (1999) Dublin, New Island Books, Paula Hutchinson
A Review of the Different Methods for Assessing Standing Balance, Jacinta Browne and N. J. O'Hare
Arís is Arís Eile: Scéalta Mar Ais Teanga sa Naíonra, Maire Mhic Mhathuna
A Similarity Matrix for Irish Traditional Dance Music, Padraic Lavin
A Socio-Economic Analysis of Student Population in Third Level Education., Pat McGarthy and Dermot Duffy
A Socio-Economic, Demographic and Academic Profile of First Year Students Entering Seven Institutes of Technology in Ireland, Carol O'Shea, Seamus O'Shea, and Maureen Killeavy
Assessing Europe's University-Based Research, European Commission:Expert Group on Assessment of University-Based Education and Ellen Hazelkorn
Assessing Third Mission Activities, Mike Murphy
A Stochastic Hybrid Embodied Energy and CO2_eq Intensity Analysis of Building and Construction Processes in Ireland, Adolf Acquaye
A Strategy for the Development of Lifelong Learning and Personal Skills Throughout an Undergraduate Engineering Pogramme, Gavin Duffy and Brian Bowe
A Study Of Anti-Social Behaviour on Dublin Bus Routes, Kevin Scott
A Study of Demoulding Force Prediction Applied to Periodic Mould Surface Profiles, Kevin Delaney, Giuliano Bissacco, and David Kennedy
A Suggested Building Block Geometry Without Continuous Radial Joints of Possible Relevance for Particle Detectors, Jim McGovern
A Systematic Approach Towards Developing a Philosophy of Engineering: Engineers Dancing with Philosophers, Mike Murphy
A System for Monitoring Pressures and Spinal Curvature in Spinally Injured People Immobilised on a Spinal Raft, Ruairí De Fréin, Eoin Flinn, and Ted Burke
Attitudes Towards and Beliefs about Nutrition and Health Among a Random Sample of Adults in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, John Kearney, Michael Gibney, Barbara Livinstone, Paula Robson, Mairead Kiely, and Karen Harrington
Attitudes Towards Managing the Work-Family Interface: The Role of Gender and Social Background, Melrona Kirrane and Kathy Monks
Augmentation of Macular Pigment Following Implantation of Blue Light-Filtering Introcular Lenses at the Time of Cataract Surgery, John Nolan, Philip O'Reilly, James Loughman, Jim Stack, Edward Loane, Eithne Connolly, and Stephen Beatty
Augmentation of Macular Pigment Following Supplementation with all Three Macular Carotenoids: an Exploratory Study, Eithne Connolly, Stephen Beatty, David Thurnham, James Loughman, Alan Howard, Jim Stack, and John Nolan
Augmented control of hands free voice prostheses, Brian Madden, James Condron, Ted Burke, and Eugene Coyle
Authenticity and the Use of Multimedia at Cultural Tourist Attractions, M. C. Krosbacher
A Visual Indication of Environmental Humidity Using a Colour Changing Hologram Recorded in a Self-developing Photopolymer, Izabela Naydenova, Raghavendra Jallapuram, Vincent Toal, and Suzanne Martin
A Vocalisation-based Drawing Interface for Disabled Children, Ted Burke
Believing in Fostering, Jill Kennedy
Big Challenges in Designing Small Parts for Mass Production, Kevin Delaney and David Kennedy
Blended learning in Social Care Education in Ireland: A New Opportunity, Tom Farrelly and Colm O'Doherty
Bologna Process Update: Engineering Education in Ireland, Mike Murphy
Booklet of Selected Theses from the MA in Criminology, MA in Law, and MA in Child, Family and Community Studies 2007- 2009., Kevin Lalor, Claire Hamilton, Fergus Ryan, and Brian McCarthy
Bridging the Gap between Academics and Industry, Colm O'Kane
Broadening the Entrepreneurial Perspective, Ziene Mottiar and Sarah Ingle
But That's Not What I Meant: Meaning-Making in Foster Care, Thom Garfat
Can E-Learning Be Used to Further Improve the Learning Experience To Better Prepare Students For Work In Industry, Eileen O'Donnell
Case Study on DIT Masters Degree Programmes, Frank McMahon
Celebrating a Decade of Innovation and Good Practice in Learning and Teaching, Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre
Celtic Tiger Found in Education Jungle, Thomas Cooney
Celtic Tiger Growth Creates a New Breed of Holiday Maker, Ziene Mottiar and Bernadette Quinn
Centralisation/Decentralisation in European Universities: Case Study DIT., Mike Murphy
Cervical Screening a Study on the Prevalence of the Risk-factors for Developing Cervical Cancer Among Young Women, Jennifer Cann
Challenges Facing Professionals in the Hospitality Industry, Frank McMahon
Changes in Intraocular Pressure and Anterior Segment Morphometry after Uneventful Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery, J. Dooley, S. Charalampidou, A. Malik, James Loughman, L. Molloy, and S. Beatty
Changing to a Student-Centred Paradigm: The Why, What and How, Mike Murphy
Changing Universities, Kevin Kelly
Characterisation of the Humidity and Temperature Responses of a Reflection Hologram Recorded in Acrylamide-based Photopolymer, Izabela Naydenova, Raghavendra Jallapuram, Vincent Toal, and Suzanne Martin
Characterisations of Slender Groups, Thomas Kelly
Chasing a Rainbow?: Victimisation and the Gay and Lesbian Community in Ireland, Kiran Sarma
Childcare in Ireland: Themes and Issues, Deirdre Horgan
Children as Victims, Children as Clients Towards a Framework of Best Practice in Services for Children who Experience Domestic Violence, Emma Byrne-MacNamee
Child Sexual Abuse in Ireland: an Historical and Anthropological Note, Kevin Lalor
Clinical Assessment of the Quantitative Posturography System (QPS), Jacinta Browne, G. O'Hare, A. Finn, and J. Colin
Cloud Computing for Schools, Shane O'Doherty
Cloud Computing:Strategies for Cloud Computing Adoption, Faith Shimba
Collective As Form, Playground As Medium, Tim Stott
Colour Blind, Tommy Turner
Compact Spiral Loaded Printed Monopole Antenna, Xiulong Bao and Max Ammann
Competing Discourses on Journalism Education, Nora French
Concurrent Masters Degrees Across the Atlantic: Innovations, Issues and Insights, Michael Dyrenfurth, Mike Murphy, Gary Bertoline, Robert Herrick, Kathryne Newton, Gareth O'Donnell, Donal McHale, Nuria Castell, Miquel Barcelo, Didac Balas, Maria Ribera Sancho, and Jordi Garcia
Confidential Sources and Contempt of Court: An argument for change, Angel Fahy
Continuing Education in Irish Higher Education: a New Era Ahead, Frank McMahon
Converging Flow Between Coaxial Cones, O. Hall, A. D. Gilbert, and C. P. Hills
Conversations on Growing Up in Care, Linda Doherty and Fergus Hogan
CorpVis: an Online Emotional Speech Corpora Visualisation Interface, Charlie Cullen and Brian Vaughan
Corrosion Protection of AA 2024-T3 Aluminium Alloys Using 3, 4-Diaminobenzoic Acid Chelated Zirconium-Silane Hybrid Sol-Gels, P.C. Rajath Varma, John Colreavy, John Cassidy, Mohamed Oubaha, Colette McDonagh, and Brendan Duffy
Corrosion Protection Properties of Various Ligand Modified Organic Inorganic Hybrid Coating on AA 2024-T3, Rajath Varma, John Cassidy, Mohamed Oubaha, Colette McDonagh, John Colreavy, and Brendan Duffy
Couple Dynamic in Household Tourism Decision Making: Women as the Gatekeepers?, Ziene Mottiar and Deirdre Quinn
Covariant Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Analysis of a Linearly Accelerated Scalar Particle, Karol McDonald
Crime Prevention Through Social Development, Ed Rawlinson
Crime, Punishment and Penal Policy, Ian O'Donnell
Critting the Crit in the Education of Architects: From Bauhaus to Bolton Street, Patrick Flynn
Current Policy Developments in European Media Literacy, Brian O'Neill
Cutting Rate Effect on Temperature During Cortical Bone Sawing, Hamid Khalili Parsa, Ger Reilly, and Brendan McCormack
Cyclic voltammetry of polypyrroledodecylbenzenesulfonate layers, T. McCormac, W. Breen, A. McGee, John Cassidy, and M. E.G. Lyons
DAB Eureka-147: The European Platform for Digital Radio, Brian O'Neill (Ireland), Thomas Cooney
Dataset threshold for the Performance Estimators in Supervised Machine Learning Experiments, Zanifa Omary and Fredrick Mtenzi
De Boerinn (Netherlands), Thomas Cooney
Design of a Single Alkaline Fuel Cell Test Bed, James Brunton, David Kennedy, Fergal O'Rourke, and Eugene Coyle
DETECT: Developing Sustainable Pathways towards Innovative, Sustainable Collaboration between Four Engineering, Design and Technology Education Institutions, Michael Dyrenfurth, Mike Murphy, Donal McHale, Richard Hayes, Robert Herrick, Dhushy Sathianathan, Heinz Schmidt-Walter, Eugene Coyle, and Robert Simpson
Detection of Microcracks During Bone Cutting Using Acoustic Emission Techniques, Ashkan Safari, Ger Reilly, and Brendan McCormack
Determination of Threshold Exposure and Intensity for Recording Holograms in Thick Green-Sensitive Acrylamide-Based Photopolymer, Mohammad Sultan Mahmud, Izabela Naydenova, Tzwetanka Bebeva, Raghavendra Jallapuram, Suzanne Martin, and Vincent Toal
Developing Consumer Subjectivity in Ireland: 1900-80, Paddy Dolan
Developing Effective, Sustainable, Mutually Beneficial International Collaborations in Engineering and Technology, Mike Murphy
Developing Entrepreneurship Programmes for Female Members of the Irish Traveller Community, Thomas Cooney
Developing Foster Care: Towards a Collaborative Practice, Fergus Hogan
Development and Evaluation of a Novel Automated Physchophysical Instrument for the Investigation of Nyctalopia Using Multiple Stimulus Light Emitting Diode Matrix Display Arrays., David M.C. O'Brien
Development of an In Vitro Assay to Predict Patient Response to Radiotheraphy, Mary Sheridan
Development of a Novel Humidity Sensor Based on a Polymer Silver Nanoparticle Composite, Aoife Power, John Cassidy, and Tony Betts
Development of a Novel Method for Assessing Balance: the Quantitative Posturography System, Jacinta Browne and Neil O'Hare
Development of a Quality Control Procedure for Force Platforms, Jacinta Browne and Neil O'Hare
Development of a Workflow for the Comparison of Classification Techniques, Zanifa Omary
Development of a Workflow for the Comparison of Classification Techniques, Zanifa Omary
Development of Novel Image Analysis Methods for the Morphological Quantification of Filamentous Fungi, David Barry
Development of Renal Phantoms for the Evaluation of Current and Emerging Ultrasound Technology, Deirdre King
Diagnostic Sensitivity/Specificity of Preattentive Vision Tests in Glaucoma, James Loughman, Peter Davison, and Ian Flitcroft
Differential Control of TGM2 Expression by Oestrogen Receptor/SERMs., Damian Lally
Digicel Foundation (Haiti), Thomas Cooney
Disadvantage or Disadvantaging: Conceptualising Class Differences in Education as a Disease or as a Process?, Roland Tormey
Discourse at the Edge: Enterprise Discourse in Ireland, Brendan O'Rourke
Discrimination of Those Livining with HIV and AIDS in Ireland, John Williams
Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Organic Solvents, Qiaohuan Cheng
Does Gender Impact on Career Progression in the Garda Síochána?, Goretti Sheridan
Drug Abuse and Parenting: The Impact on Young Children in the Social Care System in Northern Ireland, Wendy Cousins and Sharon Milner
Dual-Action Hygienic Coatings: Benefits of Hydrophobicity and Silver Ion Release and Surface Analysis, Niall Stobie, Brendan Duffy, John Colreavy, Patrick McHale, Steven Hinder, and Declan McCormack
Early Childhood Care and Education in Ireland and the Challenge to Educational Disadvantage, Jackie O'Toole
Early Childhood Education: The Disadvantaged Child: How Early is Early?, Eileen O'Neill
Echinades Fish Farm (Greece), Thomas Cooney
Economic and Environmental Performance Analysis of PV Systems for Domestic Applications in Ireland, Lacour Ayompe, Aidan Duffy, Sarah McCormack, and Michael Conlon
EcoServe (Ireland), Thomas Cooney
Eddies Induced in Cylindrical Containers by a Rotating End Wall, Christopher Hills
Eddy Structures Induced Within a Wedge by a Honing Circular Arc, C. P. Hills
Editorial, Niall McElwee
Editorial: Community and Social Services Responses to Asylum Seekers, Kenneth Burns and Alastair Christie
Editorial: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse in Ireland: Some Cautionary Comments, Niall McElwee
Editorial: The Future of Dangerous Severe Personality Disorder in Ireland, John S.G. Wells
Educating Engineers for the 21st. Century: and why some Elements of History and Philosophy should be Incorporated into the Curriculum, William Grimson, Mike Murphy, and Eugene Coyle
Effect of a Modified Isoindole Backbone on the Electrical Optical and Physical Properties of the Isoindole Organised Semiconductor System, Matthew Boylan
Effect of Organic Chelates on the Performance of Hybrid Sol–Gel Coated AA2024-T3 Aluminium Alloys, Rajath Varma, John Colreavy, John Cassidy, Mohamed Oubaha, Colette McDonagh, and Brendan Duffy
Effect on Refractive Outcomes after Cataract Surgery of Intraocular Lens Constant Personalization Using the Haigis Formula, Sofia Charalampidou, Lorraine Cassidy, Eugene Ng, James Loughman, John Nolan, Jim Stack, and Stephen Beatty
Effects of Retinal Image Degradation on Pre-Attentive Visual Search (PAVS) Efficiency for Flicker, Movment and Orientation Stimuli, Peter Davison and James Loughman
Electroanalysis Using Differential Pulse Methods at a Microelectrode, Enda Howard, John Cassidy, and John O'Gorman
Electromagnetic measurement of spinal curvature, Ronan Fitzmaurice, Ted Burke, and Annraoi De Paor
Embodied Emissions Abatement: a Policy Assessment using Stochastic Analysis, Adolf Acquaye, Aidan Duffy, and Biswajit Basu
Embodied Energy Analysis: a Sustainable Construction Design Assessment Tool, Adolf Acquaye, Aidan Duffy, and Biswajit Basu
Emerging Themes in Residential Child and Youth Care Practice in North America, Thom Garfat
Emotional Speech Corpora for Analysis and Media Production, Charlie Cullen, Brian Vaughan, and Spyros Kousidis
Energy Efficiency, Steven Konkel
Energy-Related Carbon Emissions in Ireland: Scenarios to 2020, Tadhg O'Mahony
Energy Storage:Maximising Irelands Wind Energy Potential, Damien Kelly
Engineering Science as Opposed to Natural Science, Eugene Coyle, Mike Murphy, and William Grimson
Engineering Science as Opposed to Natural Science, Eugene Coyle, Mike Murphy, and William Grimson
Enhancement of the Antibacterial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles Using Beta-Cyclodextrin as a Capping Agent, Swarna Jaiswal, Brendan Duffy, Niall Stobie, Patrick McHale, and Amit Jaiswal
Entrepreneurial Teams: Comparing High-growth Software Firms through Structure and Strategy, Thomas Cooney
Entrepreneurs with Disabilities: Profile of a Forgotten Minority., Thomas Cooney
Environmental Planning, Steven Konkel
European and American Perspectives on Engineering Technology vs Engineering Degrees, Michael Dyrenfurth, Mike Murphy, Robert Herrick, and Manfred Hamann
European Higher Education and the Bologna Process, Frank McMahon
Evaluating the Quality of Research and Innovation at Faculty Level, Mike Murphy
Evaluation of a Naive Model for Square Wave Voltammetry at a Microelectrode, Patrick Enright, John Cassidy, and Tony Betts
Evidence-Based Practice as Social Work "Technology", Ronald E. Hall
Excellence in Engineering Education, Mike Murphy
Expanding Diversity for Mature Part-Time Craftspersons, Kevin Kelly
Experiences of Assessment Using Multiple Choice Questions On Advanced Modules Taken By Level 8 and Level 9 Engineering Students, Aidan O'Dwyer
Experiences of Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Student Research Skills on a Level 9 Taught Programme in Engineering, Aidan O'Dwyer
Exploratory Study Investigating the Opinions of Russian-Speaking Parents on Maintaining their Children's Use of the Russian Language, Sue Kraftsoff and Sarah Quinn
Exploring Childcare: A North West of Ireland Study, Maureen O'Hara
Extracting Physical and Environmental Information of Irish Roads Using Airborne and Mobile Sensors, Salman Mumtaz
Fabrication or Induction of Illness in a Child: a Critical Review of Labels and Literature Using Electronic Libraries, Kenneth Burns
Family-Centered Early Intervention in North America: Have Home-based Programmes Lived up to their Promise for High-risk Families?, James Ponzetti, Grant J. Charles, Sheila Marshall, and Jan Hare
Feasibility of Using Passive Monitoring Techniques in Mesh Networks for the Support of Routing, Chenzhe Zhang
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Frank Keating
Firm Growth as a Research Issue, Thomas Cooney and Pasi Malinen
Fish Primary Cultures for Toxicity and Pathological Studies, Maria Lyons Alcantara
Fish Skeletal Muscle:Adenoisine Triphosphate and Adenine Nucleotide Metabolites in Relation to the Texture and Quality of Fish, Carmel Wills
Flow Patterns in a Two-Roll Mill, Christopher Hills
Food Anxieties: Issues for the Food Sector, Denise Kelly
Forward, Mary Hanafin
Foster Care in Ireland, Rosemary Horgan
Framing the Nigerian Transnational Family: New Formations in Ireland, Anaele Diala Iroh
From Broadcasting to Narrowcasting: Televised Sport in Western Europe in the New Millennium, John Moran
From Family to Care: Issues for the Child, Paul Bailey
From Racial to Racist State: Questions for Social Professionals, Alastair Christie
Garda Diversion of Young Offenders: An Unreasonable Threat to Due Process Rights?, Liz Cambell
Gate 3 Grid Connection Group Processing Approach:an Analysis, John Leahy
Gender Differences in Children’s Internet Use:Key findings from Europe, Helen McQuillan and Brian O'Neill
General Records (Ireland), Thomas Cooney
Generation of a Reporter Library of ERalpha Interacting DNA Sequences, Cormac Jennings
Good-bye to the Celtic Tiger?, Ellen Hazelkorn
Growing Research in a Traditionally Teaching-Oriented College, Mike Murphy and Michael Dyrenfurth
Guardian Angel (Ireland), Thomas Cooney
Handling Concept Drift in Text Data Stream Constrained by High Labelling Cost, Patrick Lindstrom, Sarah Jane Delany, and Brian Mac Namee
Harmonically Combined Contour Icons for Concurrent Auditory Display, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Heylen bvba (Belgium), Thomas Cooney
Hidden Voices from the Culianary Past: Oral History as a Tool for Culinary Historians, Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire
Holiday Home Owners, a Route to Sustainable Tourism Development? An Economic Analysis of Tourist Expenditure Data, Ziene Mottiar
Homeless Outreach Projects for Single Parent Families: What Happens to the Children?, Colleen Kasting and Sibylle Artz
Host as Entrepreneurs: Female Commercial Home Entrepreneurs in Gaeltacht Areas in the West of Ireland, Ziene Mottiar and Lucia Laurinckova
How Does Politics Affect Electronic Healthcare Adoption, Zanifa Omary, Fredrick Mtenzi, and Bing Wu
How Fat Layers Affect the Clinical Diagnosis from Doppler Data, Deirdre King, Carmel Moran, Matt Hussey, and Jacinta Browne
How to be Successful in Exclusive Breastfeeding for Four to Six Months:Experiences of Chinese Mothers in Ireland, Qianling Zhou
Impact of Global Rankings on Higher Education Research and the Production of Knowledge, Ellen Hazelkorn
Implications of Philosophy for Engineering and Engineering Technology Bachelors Programs, Michael Dyrenfurth, Mike Murphy, and William Grimson
Improving Mental Health Assessments for Looked After Children, Michael Murray
Improving Student Learning Through Theme Based Curriculum Design and Team Teaching: An Action Research Study, Brenda Dermody
Indentation Fracture of Bovine Cortical Bone: Acoustic Emission Technique, Ashkan Safari, Ger Reilly, and Brendan McCormack
Influence of Magnesium Nitrate on the Corrosion Performance of Sol-Gel Coated AA2024-T3 Aluminium Alloy, Rajath Varma, Brendan Duffy, and John Cassidy
Information Delivery on Mobile Devices Using Boolean Sonification Patterns, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Information Delivery on Mobile Devices Using Contour Icon Sonification, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Information Hiding by Stochastic Diffusion and its Application to Printed Document Authentication, Jonathan Blackledge and Eugene Coyle
In Praise of Repositories and Open Access: Editorial, Kevin Lalor
Integrated Antenna for Multiband Multi-national Wireless Combined with GSM1800/PCS1900/IMT2000 + Extension, Matthias John and Max Ammann
Integrated Family Centres: Directions for Future Developments, Billy McCullough, Trevor Spratt, and Felicity Hasson
Integration of Antennas and Solar Cells for Autonomous Communication Systems, Maria Jose Roo Ons
Interlinkages Between Equity, Currency, Precious Metals and Oil Markets: An Emphasis on Emerging Markets, Lucia Morales
International Comparisons: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Ellen Hazelkorn
Intracellular Localisation, Geno- and Cytotoxic Response of Poly N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) Nanoparticles to Human Keratinocyte (HaCaT) and Colon Cells (SW 480), Pratap Naha, Kunal Bhattacharya, Tiziana Tenuta, Kenneth Dawson, Iseult Lynch, Amaya Gracia, Fiona Lyng, and Hugh Byrne
Investigation into the Possible Benefits of a Refrigeration Based Intercooling System, Ronan Kierans and Jim McGovern
Investigation of Four-wheel Steering Algorithms for a Formula SAE Car, Colm O'Kane and Sean Timoney
Investigation of the Diffusion Processes in Self-processing Acrylamide-based Photopolymer System, Izabela Naydenova, Raghavendra Jallapuram, Robert Howard, Suzanne Martin, and Vincent Toal
Investigation of the P13K/AKT/FOXO and the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK Signalling Pathways in Ovarian Development, Claire Wynne
In Vitro Mammalian Cytotoxicological Study of PAMAM Dendrimers -towards Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships, Sourav Prasanna Mukherjee, Maria Davoren, and Hugh Byrne
Ireland, ziene mottiar
Ireland and the Bologna Process: Recognition Issues for Higher Education Institutions, Frank McMahon
Ireland: Regional Presentation, Frank McMahon
Knowledge Management in a Project Environment: Organisational CT and Project Influences, Taya Polyaninova
Langer's Method for the Calculation of Escape Rates and Its Application to Systems of Ferromagnets, Gerard Duff
Learning and Assessment of Student Communication Skills on Engineering Programs: Some Experiences, Aidan O'Dwyer
Learning to Cry Out Loud, Mairie Cregan
Le Sujet et les Je(ux) de Discours dans L'Oeuvre de Brian Friel, Noel Fitzpatrick
Liberal Studies in Engineering and Technology, William Grimson, Michael Dyrenfurth, and MIke Murphy
Lifestyle Entrepreneurs and Spheres of Inter-Firm Relations: the case of Westport Co. Mayo, Ireland, Ziene Mottiar
LinguaTag: an Emotional Speech Analysis Application, Charlie Cullen, Brian Vaughan, and Spyros Kousidis
Links with Canada Benefit DIT Prosthesis Research, Colm O'Kane
Lisdeel Family Placement Initiative, Mary Payne and Elizabeth Murphy
Living Away from Home: the Long Term Substitute Care of Disabled Children, Wendy Cousins, Marina Monteith, and Nicola Kerr
Living in Care: Older Persons Experiences of Nursing Homes, Cathy Galvin and Aine De Roiste
Local Authority Residential Mortgage Credit: a Source of Non-Market Sub-Prime Homeloans for Low-Income households, Dermot Coates
Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction in Irish Children, Aine De Roiste
Luminescent Solar Concentrators: a Review of Recent Results, Wilfrid G.J.H.M. Van Sark, Keith W.J. Barnham, Lenneke H. Slooff, Amanda J. Chatten, Andreas Buchtemann, Andreas Meyer, Sarah McCormack, Rolf Koole, Daniel J. Farrell, Rahul Bose, Evert E. Bende, Antonius R. Burgers, Tristram Budel, Jana Quilitz, Manus Kennedy, Toby Meyer, C. De Mello Donega, and Andries Meijerink
Macular Pigment and its Contribution to Visual Performance and Experience, James Loughman, Peter Davison, John Nolan, Mukunda Akkali, and Stephen Beatty
Macular Pigment Optical Density in an Aging Irish Population: the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, John Nolan, Roseanne Kenny, Claire O'Regan, Hilary Cronin, James Loughman, Eithne Connolly, Patricia Kearney, and Stephen Beatty
Management Initiatives to Ensure Quality Teaching, Frank McMahon
Managing Homelessness: Towards a Holistic Paradigm Perspectives from Ireland and Australia, Treasa Hayes, Deirdre O'Neill, and Annette Weir
Mechanistic Studies of In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers in Mammalian Cells, Sourav Prasanna Mukherjee, Fiona Lyng, Amaya Garcia, Maria Davoren, and Hugh Byrne
Media Literacy and Communication Rights: Ethical Individualism In The New Media Environment, Brian O'Neill
Medical Negligence and MRSA Claims:Is the Law of Tort Efficient Enough?, Bridget Kelleher
Mental Health, Adolescents and Children: a Comparative Analysis of the Practice/Policy Interface, John S. G. Wells
Mental Health Care Policies and Services in Switzerland, Stefan Kunz
Mentoring: a model for the future nurturing of Culinary Talent, Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire
Metadata Visualisation Techniques for Emotional Speech Corpora, Charlie Cullen, Brian Vaughan, and Spyros Kousidis
Method for Characterization of Diffusion Properties of Photopolymerisable Systems, Tzvetanka Babeva, Izabela Naydenova, Suzanne Martin, and Vincent Toal
Migrant-led Organisations and their Communities: Participation, Shirine Beausang
Miniature Ceramic PIFA for UWB Band Group 3 and 6, David Kearney, Matthias John, and Max Ammann
Minority Stress and Health: Implications for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Young People, Cathy Kelleher
MoMitochondrial Dysfunction and DNA Damage Post Exposure to Low Dose Radiation and "Bystander" Factor (s), Sharon Nugent
Monte-Carlo Ray-Trace Modelling of Quantum Dot Solar Concentrators, Manus Kennedy
Musical Pattern Design Using Contour Icons, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Musical Treasures from the National Library, National Library of Ireland, DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, DIT Digital Media Centre, and Heritage Music Productions Ltd.
My Story, Christine Deady
Networking: Promotion of "Horizontal" Partnership in the Local Development Programme, Catherine Forde
New Beginnings, Thom Garfat
Nonaxisymmetric Stokes Flow Between Concentric Cones, O. Hall, C. P. Hills, and A. D. Gilbert
Note on the Voltammetry of Ferrocene Carboxylate in Aqueous Solution, John Cassidy, John O'Gorman, M. Ronane, and Enda Howard
Notions of a Learning Society and Learning Partnership Vehicles: the Island's Project, a Case Study, Fergus Murphy
Nutritional Aspects of Trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Mary Cantwell
Obstacles to the Professionalisation of Residential Child Care Work, David Williams and Kevin Lalor
On Adjoint Entropy of Abelian Groups, Brendan Goldsmith and Ketao Gong
On Cultural and Structural Change in RTE Television Drama, Edward Brennan
On-Line Realtime Water Quality Monitoring and Control for Swimming Pools, Paul Duffy, Gerard Woods, Sean O'hOgain, James Walsh, and C. Caplier
Online Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring and Control System, Paul Duffy, Gerard Woods, James Walsh, and Michael Kane
Open Angle Glaucoma Effects on Preattentive Visual Search (PAVS) Efficiency for Flicker, Motion Displacement and Orientation Pop-Out Tasks, James Loughman, Peter Davison, and Ian Flitchcroft
Optical Limiting Study of Double Wall Carbon Nanotube-Fullerene Hybrids, Kang-Shyang Liao, Jun Wang, Daniel Fruchtl, Nigel Alley, Enrico Andreoli, Eoghan Dillon, Andrew Barron, Hansoo Kim, Hugh Byrne, Werner Blau, and Seamus Curran
Optimization of Impedance Bandwidth for the Printed Rectangular Monopole Antenna, Matthias John and Max Ammann
Orchestration within the Sonification of Basic Data Sets, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Organised Crime in Ireland: A Policy Analysis of the Introduction of Organised Crime to the Irish Statute Book, Elizabeth Davey
Paper Women: The Representation of Female Offenders in Irish Newspapers, Lynsey Black
Perceptions Regarding Male Suicide and Preventative Services in Co. Kilkenny, Louise Butler and Jim Phelan
Performance Evaluation of Antennas for UWB Radar and Positioning Systems, Antoine Dumoulin, Matthias John, Patrick McEvoy, and Max Ammann
Perspectives on Female Sexual Offending in an Irish Context, Sharon Lambert and Sean Hammond
Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Comparison of Different Markets, Paul Sherlock
Phenmedipham Process Development, Maura Byrne
Philosophy Matters in Engineering Studies, William Grimson, Mike Murphy, Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, and Erik Erno-Kjolhede
Photopolymers: Beyond the Standard Approach to Photosensitisation, Izabela Naydenova, Suzanne Martin, and Vincent Toal
Planning for a Better Tomorrow, Thom Garfat
Poems, Kelly Mason
Prader Willi Syndrome: A Family Experience, Emma Walker
Preattentive Visual Search (PAVS): A Clinical Tool for Glaucoma, James Loughman
Preparation, Characterization of NIPAM and NIPAM/BAM Copolymer Nanoparticles and their Acute Toxicity Testing Using an Aquatic Test Battery, Pratap Naha, Alan Casey, Tiziana Tenuta, Iseult Lynch, Kenneth Dawson, Hugh Byrne, and Maria Davoren
Prevention of Staphylococcus Epidermidis Biofilm Formation using a Low-Temperature Processed Silver-Doped Phenyltriethoxysilane Sol–Gel Coating, Niall Stobie, Brendan Duffy, Declan McCormack, John Colreavy, Martha Hidalgo, Patrick McHale, and Steven Hinder
Production and Storage of Hydrogen, Michael Muller
Productivity in the Hotel Industry, Frank McMahon
Projected Costs of a Grid-Connected Domestic PV System Under Different Scenarios in Ireland, Using Measured Data from a Trial Installation, Lacour Ayompe, Aidan Duffy, Sarah McCormack, and Michael Conlon
Quality Indicators for Engineering and Technology Education, Michael Dyrenfurth, Mike Murphy, and Gary Bertoline
Real-World Process Design for Mechanical Engineering Students: A Case Study of PBL in DIT, Kevin Delaney and John D. Kelleher
Reasons for Reducing Breastfeeding Duration Among Chinese Mothers in Ireland:a Qualitative Study, Qianling Zhou
Refinements in using Historical Process Data to Optimize Tolerance Allocation, Kevin Delaney and Pat Phelan
Reinventing a Level 7 Programme in Electrical Engineering and Greatly Improving on Student Retention, Eugene Coyle, Mike Murphy, Frank Costello, and Leslie Shoemaker
Relative Care: Issues for Social Care Workers?, Valerie O'Brien
Reporting the Rhetoric, Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as Represented in Ireland's Second Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: a Critical Discourse Analysis, Rachel Kiersey and Noirin Hayes
Research for Change: Young People, Youth Crime and the Use of Custody on Teesside, Keith Munroe
Residential Child Care and Its Alternatives: International Perspectives (Peters, F. (ed), 2008: Book Review, Jennifer Kidd-Keating
Residential Child Care Can Do With All the Assistance It Can Get, Charles Sharpe
Resonant Mie Scattering (RMieS) Correction of Infrared Spectra from Highly Scattering Biological Samples Analyst, Paul Bassan, Achim Kohler, Harald Martens, Joe Lee, Hugh Byrne, Paul Dumas, Ehsan Gazi, Michael Brown, Noel Clarke, and Peter Gardner
Resource and Technology Issues: Case Studies, Mike Murphy
Response of Academics to Demands for Change in Engineering Education, Kevin Kelly
Rethinking Philosophy:a Proposed Model Aimed at Improving the Philosophy of Education Within Hospitality Management in Ireland, Colin O'Connor
Rethinking Residential Child Care (Smith, M., 2009): Book Review, Noel Howard
Reusable, Interactive, Multilingual Online Avatars, Charlie Cullen, Carl Goodman, Paula McGloin, and Anna Deegan
Rhythmic Parsing of Sonified DNA and RNA Sequences, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Risky Business: An Examination of Probation Officers' Attitudes towards Risk Assessment, Michelle Richardson
Rotary Honing: a Variant of the Taylor Paint-Scraper Problem, Christopher Hills and H. Moffatt
Rotating Disk Ion Selective Electrodes, John Cassidy, David Mullen, Karen Casey, and Patrick Cullen
Rural and Agri-Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe, Frank McMahon
Rural Utility Cooperative (RUC): Final Evaluation Report, Steven Konkel
Sampling with Confidence: Using k-NN Confidence Measures in Active Learning, Rong Hu, Sarah Jane Delany, and Brian MacNamee
Searching for Chefs, Waiters and Restaurateurs in Edwardian Dublin: A Culinary Historian's Experience of the 1911 Dublin Census Online, Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire
Seeking Asylum in Ireland, Nogugu Mafu
Selective Solubilisation of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Sourabhi Debnath
Separated Young People Seeking Asylum: Standing Alone?, Brigette Mintern and Lyn Dorney
Sequential Labelling and Acoustic Emission Analysis of Damage Occurring in Cortical Bone During Indentation Cutting, Ger Reilly, Ashkan Safari, David Taylor, and Brendan McCormack
Shaping Leisure/Tourism Places:the Role of Holiday Home Owners: a Case Study of Courtown, Co. Wexford, Ireland, Ziene Mottiar and Bernadette Quinn
Silver Doped Perfluoropolyether-Urethane Coatings: Antibacterial Activity and Surface Analysis, Niall Stobie, Brendan Duffy, Steven Hinder, Patrick McHale, and Declan McCormack
Silver Nanoparticle Polymer Composite Based Humidity Sensor, Aoife Power, Tony Betts, and John Cassidy
Simulation of Dynamic Electrochemical Processes, John Cassidy
Simulation of Indentation to Predict the Fracture Load Using Critical Distance, Saeid Kasiri, Ger Reilly, and David Taylor
Singlemode-Multimode-Singlemode Optical Fibre Structures for Optical Sensing, Agus Muhamad Hatta
Single Pregnant Women's Encounters in Public: Changing Norms or Performing Roles, Abbey Hyde
Síolta the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education; Teacher’s perspectives., Sandra O'Neill
Slow Flow Between Concentric Cones, O. Hall, C. P. Hills, and A. D. Gilbert
Small Antenna Options for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Applications, David Kearney
Smart Growth: From Rhetoric to Reality in Irish Urban Planning 1997-2007, Dorothy Stewart
Soap Opera, Com mercialisation an d the Proletarian isation of Cultural Production, Edward Brennan
Social Care and the European Dimension, Damien Courtney
Social Networking Sites: Evaluating and Investigating their use in Academic Research, Fiona Redmond
Sol-Gel Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Photocatalytic Applications, Nicholas T. Nolan
Solvent Impregnated Resins for the Recovery of Gold from Gold(I)Thiourea Solutions, Fiona Fitzpatrick
South African Child and Youth Care from a Social Care Student's Perspective, Sinead McEniry
South Hill Enterprise (Ireland), Thomas Cooney
Space, Time and the Constitution of Subjectivity: Comparing Elias and Foucault, Paddy Dolan
Spectroscopic Imaging of Quantum Dot Cellular Interactions, Lorenzo Salford
Statutory Restrictions on Initiating Judicial Review Proceedings in the Asylum Context, Éamonn Foley
Strategies for the Elimination of Matrix Effects in the LC-MS/MS Analysis of the Lipophilic Toxins Okadaic Acid and Azaspiracid-1 in Molluscan Shellfish, Jane Kilcoyne and Elie Fux
Students and Refugees Together (START): Inter-Professional Learning and Service Innovation, Avril Butler, Correia Conceicao, and Kally Finch
Suitable Knowledge Management in Project Environment, Taya Polyaninova
Supporting Asylum Seekers: Practice and Ethical Issues for Health and Welfare Professionals, Beth Humphries
Supporting Value Creation by Reducing Cultural Distance as a Barrier to Exporting, Thomas Cooney, Amanda Ratcliffe, and Jane Silver
Supreme Seafoods, Thomas Cooney
Surgically Induced Astigmatism after Phacoemulsification with and without Correction for Posture-Related Ocular Cyclotorsion, I. Dooley, S. Charalampidou, A. Malik, G. Ormonde, James Loughman, Laura Molloy, and Stephen Beatty
Synthesis and Characterisation of New Dimolybdenum (II,II) Dicarboxylates and Their Use as Polymerization Catalysts, Elizabeth Whelan
Synthesis of Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene-butadiene Copolymer and its Application in PP/OMMT/SBS Composite as Compatibilizer, Qiaohuan Cheng, Zhanxia Lu, and Hugh Byrne
Synthesis of Novel Targeted Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer Therapy, Antonio Clementi
Taking a Second Look: Following Surveys with Student's Descriptions of the Culture, Diana Nicholson
Teaching, Research and Engagement: Strengthening the Knowledge Triangle, Ellen Hazelkorn
Technical Education, Technological Colleges and Further Education in Ireland, Frank McMahon
Techniques for Investigation of Surgical Cutting Instruments, Eamon Price, Ger Reilly, Brendan McCormack, and Andrew Macey
Termination Issues in Residential Placement, Varda Mann-Feder
The Antioxidant Properties of Whey Permeate Treated Fresh-Cut Tomatoes, Lubna Ahmed, Ana Belen Martin-Diana, Daniel Rico, and Catherine Barry-Ryan
The Architecture of Dublin's Neo-Classical Roman Catholic Temples 1803-62, Brendan Grimes
The Asymptotics of Neutral Curve Crossing in Taylor–Dean Flow, C. P. Hills and A. P. Bassom
The Benefit of Work Placement in Tertiary Design Education, Kerry Meakin
The Benefits of Holidaying for Children Experiencing Social Exclusion: Recent Irish Evidence, Bernadette Quinn and Jane Stacey
The Bologna Process and the Recognition of Qualifications, Frank McMahon
The Bundle Dispersion of SWNT on Interaction with P-Terphenyl, Theresa Hedderman, Anika Mostaert, Anne Shanahan, and Hugh Byrne
The CEECs’ Banking System: A Risk Study during the Global Financial Crisis, Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Lucia Morales, and Valentina Tarkovska
The Changing Structure of the Homeless Population in Cork City: Implications for Theories of Homelessness and Service Provision, Michelle Norris and Noreen Kearns
The Civilizing of Hurling in Ireland, Paddy Dolan and John Connolly
The Coke Side of Life:an Exploration of Pre-Schoolers' Constructions of Product and Selves Through Talk-in-Interaction Around Coca-Cola, Olivia Freeman
The Community Life of Older People in Ireland (Gallager, C., 2008): book review, Eleanor Bantry White and Jacqui O'Riordan
The constitutional protection of children in Ireland - an analysis of the status quo and proposals for reform, Oliver Fitzgerald
The Development and Characterisation of a Red-sensitised Photopolymer Holographic Recording Material, Clodagh Feely
The Education System is Not Relevant to the 21st. Century, Mike Murphy
The Embodied Transport Energy Analysis of Imported Wood Pellets, Aidan Duffy and Michael Conroy
The End of Innocence: Child Sexual Abuse in Ireland, Kevin Lalor
The Estimation and Control of a Laboratory Heating and Ventilation System, Robin P. Mooney
The Experience of Young People Remanded in Custody: A Case for Bail Support and Supervision Schemes, Sinead Freeman
The Extent of Clientelism in Irish Politics: Evidence from Classifying Dáil Questions on a Local-National Dimension, Sarah Jane Delany, Richard Sinnott, and Niall O'Reilly
The Fair City Production Line: An Examination of Soap Opera’s potential contribution to the Public Sphere, Edward Brennan
The Forgotten Ones: Maternal Abusers and their Victims: a Pilot Study, Shane A. Dunphy
The Freedom of Information Act, 1997: Some Observations, Anita Crowdle
The Future of Social Care: Providing Services and Creating Social Capital, Colm O'Doherty
The Global Financial Crisis: World Market or Regional Contagion Effects?, Lucia Morales and Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan
The Greater Dublin Area: Ireland's Potential City-State of the Early 21st. Century, Brian Hughes
The History of Eggs in Irish Cuisine and Culture, Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire and Andrea Cully
The History of Seafood in Irish Cuisine and Culture, Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire
The History of the Potato in Irish Cuisine and Culture, Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire and Pádraic Óg Gallagher
The Human Eye Position Control System in a Rehabilitation Setting, Yvonne Nolan, Ted Burke, C. Boylan, and Annraoi De Paor
The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Informal Foster Care Systems: A Case of AIDS Orphans in Rakai Uganda, David SSedyabule
The Impact of the Bologna Process on the Design of Higher Education Programmes in Europe, Frank McMahon
The Imperative for Achieving Diversity, Ellen Hazelkorn
The Importance of Male Staff as Role Models in Residential Childcare: Men Can Care!, Niall C. McElwee and David Parslow
The Importance of Place, Space and Culture in the Development of an Industrial Agglomeration in Ireland: The Furniture Industry in Co. Monaghan, Ziene Mottiar and David Jacobson
The Introduction of Programmes to Prevent Accidents at Work: A Strategic Analysis, David Jacobson and Ziene Mottiar
The Jobs Forum: Its Eventual Arrival?, Anto Kerins
The Learn@Work Socrates-Minerva Research Project 2005-2007: what did it do and what has happened with it since?, Anne Murphy, K.C. O'Rourke, and Pauline Rooney
The Life and Times of Young People on Remand: Recommendations for Future Policy in Ireland, Sinead Freeman
The Light Beneath the Bushel: A Discussion Paper on Early Years Education and Care in the Republic of Ireland, Francis Douglas and Mary Horgan
The Melodies of Francis Poulenc: a Selective Musico-literary Study, Elizabeth Nolan
The Origin of the Curvilinear Plan-Form in Irish Ecclesiastical Sites: A Comparative Analysis of Sites in Ireland, Wales and France, Clare Crowley
The Pig in Irish Cuisine and Culture, Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire
The Pig in Irish Cuisine past and present, Mairtin Mac Con Iomaire
The Potential Use of Slow-down Technology to Improve Pronounciation of English for International Communication, Bunny Richardson
The Problem of Labor Turnover in Hotels, Frank McMahon
The Protean Career: Exemplified by First World foreign residents in Western Europe?, Marian Crowley-Henry
The Relationship Between Macular Pigment and Visual Performance, James Loughman, Mukunda Akkali, Stephen Beatty, Grainne Scanlon, Peter Davison, Veronica O'Dwyer, Thomas Cantwell, Philip Major, Jim Stack, and John Nolan
Thermodynamic Optimisation of the Otto / Stirling Combined Cycle, Barry Cullen, Michel Feidt, Jim McGovern, and Stoian Petrescu
The Role of Grandparents in Childcare in Ireland: Towards a Research Agenda, Michelle Share and Liz Kerrins
The Role of Initial Teacher Education in the Development of Interculturalism in Irish Primary Education, O'Riordan Joe
The Role of SMEs in Tourism Development: an Industrial District Approach Applied to Killarney, Ireland, Ziene Mottiar and Theresa Ryan
The Search for the Holy Grail in Ireland: Social Care in Perspective, NIall McElwee
The Significance of the Implied Mutual Duty of Trust and Confidence in the Employment Relationship, Katie McDermott
The Simultaneous Onset and Interaction of Taylor and Dean Instabilities in a Couette Geometry, C. P. Hills and A. P. Bassom
Thesis on Adverse Possession, Kathleen O'Dwyer
The Stolen Generations: Lessons Australia Can Reveal to the Rest of the World, Nicola Breeze, Marge Campbell, and Zeena Elton
The Study of Periodicity of Eating and Public Health Nutrition Issues, Karen E. Harrington
The Sustainability of Sustainable Consumption, Paddy Dolan
The Theatrical Representation of Incest in Marina Carr's On Raftery's HIll, Eamonn Jordan
The Training Implications of a Social Care Approach to Working with Older People, Carmel Gallagher and Kathleen Kennedy
Thirteen-Year-Old Girls: Tales of School Transition and Feminine Identity, Thienhuong Hoang
Three Dimensional Collagen Gels as a Cell Culture Matrix for the Study of Live Cells by Raman Spectroscopy, Franck Bonnier, Aidan Meade, S. Merzha, Peter Knief, Kunal Bhattacharya, Fiona Lyng, and Hugh Byrne
Tight Lower Bound for the Sparse Travelling Salesman Problem, Fredrick Mtenzi
Time, Space and Presences: Bangladeshi Girls' Friendships in an English Primary School, James G. Deegan
To Document or Not to Document, That is the Question? Use of the Participatory Archive Model for a Residential Artist’s Centre, Yvonne Desmond
Tourism: a Soft Touch for Increased Taxation, Frank McMahon
Towards a Sociological Understanding of Irish Travellers: Introducing a People, Niall C. McElwee, Ashling Jackson, and Grant Charles
Transcriptional Regulation of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase, Ashling Hampson
TrioSon: a Graphical User Interface for Pattern Sonification, Charlie Cullen and Eugene Coyle
Twelve Weeks of Ice Cubes: A Short Story, Rhys Evans
Ultrasonic Angioplasty: Assessing the Risk of Arterial Perforation, Mark Wylie, Garrett McGuinness, and Graham Gavin
Understanding the European Bologna Process, Michael Dyrenfurth and Mike Murphy
Universities Changing in Response to a Volatile Environment: a Case Study from Ireland, Kevin Kelly
Use of Excel to Obtain Voltammetric Information on Microelectrodes, Enda Howard and John Cassidy
Using an Innovative Electronic Interface to Develop a Public Health Guidance Document, Steven Konkel
Using Documents: a Figurational Approach, Paddy Dolan
Using XML to network distributed analytical instruments: back to the future?, Benjamin Jung, Damon Berry, and Jane Grimson
Validation of a Sensitivity Performance Index Test Protocol and Evaluation of Colour Doppler Sensitivity for a Range of Ultrasound Scanners, Jacinta Browne, Amanda Watson, Peter Hoskins, and Alex Elliott
Validation of a Simulation Model for a Combined Otto and Stirling Cycle Power Plant, Jim McGovern, Barry Cullen, Michel Feidt, and Stoian Petrescu
Valuing Equality in Irish Social Care, Niall Hanlon
Visible and Hyperspectral Imaging Systems for the Detection and Discrimination of Mechanical and Microbiological Damage of Mushrooms, Edurne Gaston
Volcanic Activity: Processing of Observation and Remote Sensing Data (VAPOR), Mark Wylie
Volume 11, 2009, Ellen Hazelkorn, Nora French, and Wolfgang Truetzschler
Wavelet Based Islanding Detection of DC-AC Inverter Interfaced DG Systems, Mohamed Moin Hanif, Malabika Basu, and Kevin Gaughan
Webs of Power: Multiple Ownership in Tourism Destinations, Ziene Mottiar and Hazel Tucker
What do Young People think of the Gardaí?:An Examination of Young Peoples Attitudes Toward and Experiences of the Gardaí, Niamh Feeney
What have we Learned about and from Rankings?, Ellen Hazelkorn
What is an Entrepreneurial Team?, Thomas Cooney
What Is Required to Optimise Professional Development Opportunities for Academic Staff in a Specific College in the Further Education Sector?, Anne O'Donohue
What is the Optimal Structure for Organisations Representing Design and Designers on the Island of Ireland?, Barry Sheehan
What's in a Name?: Exploring Title Designations in Child and Youth Care in Ireland, Niall C. McElwee and Thom Garfat
When Every Drop Counts: The Public Health Impact of Drought, Steven Konkel
Where Angels Fear to Tread, Mary Horgan and Francis Douglas
Will Using a Constructivist Approach Improve Laboratory Work for Phase 6 Electrical Apprentices?, Francis Ashworth
Women, Engineering and Research: Providing Choice and Balance, Cecilia Chan and Mike Murphy
Young Offenders and Juvenile Delinquency in Canada: a Look at the Canadian Juvenile Justice Act (2003), Cameron D.M. Brody
Youth and Community Work in Ireland: Critical Perspectives (Forde, C., Kiely, E. and Meade, R. (eds)(2009): Book Review, Aine De Roiste
Youth Caring: It's the Little Things, Jean Kennedy
Youth Work in Ireland: The Struggle for Identity, Hilary Jenkinson