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Impact, Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning, Vol. 1 (1). doi:10.5043/impact.25


This article provides a summary of the goals, processes, products, evaluation outcomes and lessons learnt from Learn@Work, a pan-European research project that involved four higher education providers and one private partner. The project aimed to develop and test online or personal computer (PC)-based materials for induction and support of worker-learners using pilots in the partner countries, as well as to generate usable case studies and theoretical models. This article describes and analyses the project activities, which included the production of a state-of-the-art report on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in workplaces. The design paradigm is described, together with a summary of the particular pilot studies conducted in each country. Specific consideration is given to the Dublin pilots and the design principles applied to the materials used in those pilots. Evaluation findings for the Dublin pilots are elaborated on, together with reflections on the sustainable impact of the project outputs two years later. The article ends with tentative recommendations for enhancing the design of e-induction and e-support for worker-learners, in addition to suggesting possibilities for future research in the area. The authors decided to focus on the project itself and how it has contributed to practice in their own Institution, with less focus on contextual theoretical literature, a review of which is included in the publicly-available state-of-the-art report.

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