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Electrical and electronic engineering
In this paper, we describe a new eccentric dipole model of the Earth’s magnetic field. The constraints under which the conventional eccentric dipole model is defined result in predicted dip pole locations that differ significantly from the measured locations. Here, we give a preliminary exposition of a new dipole model which, because it is constrained by the observed dip pole locations, overcomes this problem.
Recommended Citation
De Paor, A., Burke, T.: A new eccentric geomagnetic dipole to give the correct dip pole locations. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.5, nos.1-2, pp.316-318. 2006. doi:10.21427/D7F308
Publication Details
In Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Slovakia), Vol.5, nos.1-2, 2006,pp.316-318. Also presented as an invited lecture at the 6th. International Conference Elektro '06, University of Zalinka, Slovakia, May 23, 2006. doi:10.21427/D7F308