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HyFlex is a multi-modal instructional approach that offers students the opportunity to engage with modules face-to-face and online in a mode that best suits their learning style and situation. Covid-19 forced many universities and lecturers to offer HyFlex opportunities. This emergency flip and required agility to deliver HyFlex provides the opportunity to learn from the experiences of using this mode of teaching and learning.

This research presents the results of a survey of 44 lecturers who were part of the HyFlex Community of Practice (COP) or who were employing HyFlex in their practice, and 490 students who engaged with HyFlex at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Ireland. Mini vignettes are used to provide deeper insight. Key findings are that HyFlex was viewed positively by both students and lecturers, and 92% of students would recommend this form of attendance in the future. From a lecturer's perspective, key challenges related to the technology, student engagement and high cognitive load. The research showed that some students who avail of university learning supports preferred the HyFlex approach as it felt that it gave them equal opportunity and allowed them to learn in a way that suited them best. While the majority of students believe that the HyFlex approach resulted in the same level of academic rigour and quality as face-to-face delivery, several lecturers had some concerns.

This research is valuable as it positions HyFlex as a feasible form of delivery at a time when a new University Educational Model (UEM) is being developed for TU Dublin. However, it is particularly valuable as it identifies key issues and gives voice to various stakeholders, which is important in terms of contributing to international and institutional debates and policies going forward regarding the changing pedagogical landscape post-Covid.

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