Submissions from 2025
Is Ethical Review a Barrier to the Publication of Research on Violence Against Women and Children for Low- and Middle-Income Country Researchers?, Elizabeth Dartnall, Sarah Homan, Kevin Lalor, Mpho Silima, and Chi-Chi Undie
Gender Equality Plans in Research Organisations and Higher Education Institutions as a Catalyst for Transformative and Sustainable Change, Yvonne Galligan
Submissions from 2024
Rejoinder to Rural Transformations and Rural Crime Book Review published in Rural Society (Vol. 32, Iss. 3), Matt Bowden and Alistair Harkness
Theorising Political Legitimisation: From Stasis to Processes, Paddy Dolan, Stephen Vertigans, and John Connolly
Submissions from 2023
Review of the International Play Policies and Their Contribution To Supporting a Child's Right to Play, Fiona Armstrong and David Gaul
Towards An Inclusive and Representative Academic Landscape, Linn Leppert, Katalin Solymosi, and Yvonne Galligan
Experiencing Dyslexia through the Prism of Difference, Keith Murphy
Six of One: The Relationship Between Social Dominance Orientation and Orientation to Cyclists, Nadia Williams
Submissions from 2022
A Systematic Review of the Provision of Sexuality Education to Student Teachers in Initial Teacher Education, Aisling Costello, Catherine Maunsell, Claire Cullen, and Ashling Bourke
Intergenerational learning as a pedagogical strategy in early childhood education services: perspectives from an Irish study, Anne Fitzpatrick and Ann Marie Halpenny
Studying with dyslexia and achieving in Partnership with it in Higher Education, Keith Murphy
Gender equality in higher education and research, Rodrigo Rosa and Sara Clavero
Submissions from 2021
Rational and Emotional Tension Balances in the Organization of Political Hunger Strikes, John Connolly, Paddy Dolan, and Steven Vertigans
Reflecting on asynchronous internet mediated focus groups for researching culturally sensitive issues, Noirin MacNamara Dr, Danielle Mackle, Johanne Devlin Trew, Claire Pierson, and Fiona Bloomer
'It all depends … ' A Real Life Learning model informing childminding pedagogy in Ireland, Miriam O'Regan, Ann Marie Halpenny, and Noirin Hayes
Submissions from 2020
Analysing Gender and Institutional Change in Academia: Evaluating the Utility of Feminist Institutionalist Approaches, Sara Clavero and Yvonne Galligan
Delivering Gender Justice in Academia Through Gender Equality Plans? Normative and Practical Challenges, Sara Clavero and Yvonne Galligan
Women MPs from Northern Ireland: Challenges and Contributions, 1953–2020., Yvonne Galligan
The 2020 General Election : a Gender Analysis, Yvonne Galligan and Fiona Buckley
Submissions from 2019
The Security Field: Forming and Expanding a Bourdieusian Criminology, Matt Bowden
Social care graduates’ judgements of their readiness and preparedness for practice, Fiona McSweeney and David Williams
Childminding in Ireland: attitudes towards professionalisation, Miriam O'Regan, Ann Marie Halpenny, and Noirin Hayes
Submissions from 2018
''It’s a Win-Win Situation” – Intergenerational Learning in Preschool and Elder Care Settings: An Irish Perspective, Carmel Gallagher and Anne Fitzpatrick
Carefree Masculinities in Ireland: Gender Conservatism and Neo-Liberalism, Niall Hanlon
Civil war: A board game as pedagogy and critique, Hugh McCabe
Social care students’ learning in the practice placement in Ireland, Fiona McSweeney and David Williams
Submissions from 2017
Community Safety, Social Cohesion and Embedded Autonomy: a Case from South-West Dublin, Matt Bowden
Habitus, the writings of Irish hunger strikers and Elias's the loneliness of the dying, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
Social class tensions, habitus and the advertising of Guinness, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
Sociology in the 21st Century: Reminiscence and Redefinition, Rana Jawad, Paddy Dolan, and Tracey Skillington
Reflections on a Language Planning Project in Context, Maire Mhic Mhathuna and Cathy Kelleher
Grief, loss, and separation: Experiences of birth children of foster carers, David Williams
Submissions from 2016
Links Between Depressive Symptoms and Unmet Health and Social Care Needs Among Older Prisoners, Kate O'Hara, Katrina Forsyth, Roger Webb, Jane Senior, Adrian Hayes, David Challis, Seena Fazel, and Jenny Shaw
Submissions from 2015
Maths in Prison, Catherine Byrne and Michael Carr
Social Services Will Not Touch us with a Barge Pole’: Social Care Provision for Older Prisoners, Kate O'Hara, Katrina Forsyth, Jane Senior, Caroline Stevenson, Adrian Hayes, David Challis, and Jenny Shaw
Examining the Use of Community Service Orders as Alternatives to Short Prison Sentences in Ireland, Kate O'Hara and Mary Rogan
An Evaluation of the use of Problem Based Learning and Film as a Method of Teaching and Assessment for Social Care Students, Anne Marie Shier and David Williams
Submissions from 2014
Undertaking Action Research in Prison: Developing the Older prisoner Health and Social Care Assessment and Plan, Kate O'Hara, Elizabeth Walsh, Katrina Forsyth, Jane Senior, and Jenny Shaw
Submissions from 2013
Re-theorizing the “Structure–Agency” Relationship: Figurational Theory, Organizational Change and the Gaelic Athletic Association, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
The Amplification and De-Amplification of Amateurism and Professionalism in the Gaelic Athletic Association, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
Emotions, Violence and Social Belonging: an Eliasian Analysis of Sports Spectatorship, Paddy Dolan and John Connolly
Early Literacy and Numeracy Matters, Geraldine French
‘Moving In’: Difficulties and Support in the Transition to Higher Education for In-Service Social Care Students, Fiona McSweeney
Identifying Subjective Statements in News Titles Using a Personal Sense Annotation Framework, Polina Panicheva, John Cardiff, and Paolo Rosso
Submissions from 2012
Sport, media and the Gaelic Athletic Association: the Quest for the “Youth” of Ireland, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
Connectedness in the Lives of Older People in Ireland, Carmel Gallagher
Walking in Sunshine, or Away From It? Creating a Unified Transparency Index, John Hogan, Raj Chri, and Gary Murphy
Submissions from 2011
Youth Work as a Public Good: Older Teenager's Experiences of Youth Services in Dulbin, Matt Bowden and Kerri Lanigan
Organizational Centralization as Figurational Dynamics: Movements and Counter-movements in the Gaelic Athletic Association, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
Student, practitioner, or both?:Separation and Integration of Identities in Professional Social Care Education, Fiona McSweeney
Note No. 9 Research Briefing - Governing Young Citizens: Discourses of Childhood in Irish Social Policy, Karen Smith
Producing Governable Subjects: Images of Childhood Old and New, Karen Smith
Submissions from 2010
Of Discipline and Civilization: a Roundtable Discussion on the Legacies of Norbert Elias and Michel Foucault, Sam Binkley, Paddy Dolan, Stefanie Ernst, and Cas Wouters
The Civilizing and Sportization of Gaelic Football in Ireland: 1884–2009, John Connolly and Paddy Dolan
Space, Time and the Constitution of Subjectivity: Comparing Elias and Foucault, Paddy Dolan
Child Sexual Abuse, Links to Later Sexual Exploitation/High-Risk Sexual Behavior, and Prevention/Treatment Programs, Kevin Lalor and Rosaleen McElvaney
Arís is Arís Eile: Scéalta Mar Ais Teanga sa Naíonra, Maire Mhic Mhathuna
Submissions from 2009
Developing Consumer Subjectivity in Ireland: 1900-80, Paddy Dolan
Figurational Dynamics and Parliamentary Discourses of Living Standards in Ireland, Paddy Dolan
The Civilizing of Hurling in Ireland, Paddy Dolan and John Connolly
Valuing Equality in Irish Social Care, Niall Hanlon
Minority Stress and Health: Implications for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Young People, Cathy Kelleher
Rewarding Community Engaged Scholarship, Elaine Ward
Submissions from 2008
The Experience of Young People Remanded in Custody: A Case for Bail Support and Supervision Schemes, Sinead Freeman
Children's Perspectives on Coping and Support Following Parental Separation, Ann Marie Halpenny, Sheila Greene, and Diane Hogan
Child Sexual Abuse and HIV Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa, Kevin Lalor
Supporting Children's Participation in Second Language Stories in an Irish Language Preschool, Maire Mhic Mhathuna
Intercultural Books in Practice, Maire Mhic Mhathuna and Una Hill
Submissions from 2007
An equality perspective on residential child care, Niall Hanlon
Submissions from 2006
Review of a Community-based Youth Counselling Service, Kevin Lalor, Sinead O'Dwyer, and Denis McCrann
Childhood Sexual Abuse Among University Students in Tanzania, Denis McCrann, Kevin Lalor, and Joviter K. Katabaro
A Model of Induction for Specialised Residential Care, Ann McWilliams, Siobhan Quinlan Cooke, and Niall Hanlon
Creating a Framework for a Single European Sky:the Opportunity Cost of Reorganising European Airspace, Niall Neligan
The Importance of Family and Community Links for Children in the Out of Home Care System, David Williams
Submissions from 2005
The Custodial Remand System for Juveniles in Ireland: the Empirical Evidence, Gay Graham and Sarah Anderson
Submissions from 2004
Beware of Lawyers Bearing Gifts:a Critical Evaluation of the Proposals on Fundamental Rights in the Draft Constitutional Treaty., Stephen Carruthers
Child Sexual Abuse in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Literature Review, Kevin Lalor
Child Sexual Abuse in Tanzania and Kenya, Kevin Lalor
Submissions from 2003
Social Care Portfolio: an Aid to Integrated Learning and Reflection, Gay Graham and Bridgit Megarry
Determinants of Sexual Behaviour, Kevin Lalor, Cathal O'Regan, and Siobhan Quinlan
Submissions from 2002
The Sustainability of Sustainable Consumption, Paddy Dolan
Submissions from 2000
The Victimization of Juvenile Prostitutes in Ethiopia, Kevin Lalor
Submissions from 1999
A Survey of Sexually Abusive Experiences in Childhood Amongst a Sample of Third Level Students, Kevin Lalor
Street Children: a Comparative Perspective, Kevin Lalor
Submissions from 1998
Child Sexual Abuse in Ireland: an Historical and Anthropological Note, Kevin Lalor