Practice Papers
Submissions from 2023
Challenge-Based Learning And Constructive Alignment: A Challenge For Information Systems’ Educators, Joao MOREIRA, Wallace UGULINO, Marcos MACHADO, and Luís FERREIA PIRES
Customising Best Practice In Studies Advice For Undergraduate Engineering Students, Margaret MORGAN, Clare MAHON, Robert MCMURRAY, Alan BROWN, Pearse O'GORMAN, George BURKE, Ruth HOLMAN, and Michaela KEENAN
Developing Global Engineers- A Comparison Between Scotland, Usa And Chile, Patricia MUNOZ-ESCALONA, Luis MEDINA, Mervyn MARQUEZ, Homero MURZI, Christopher SMITH, and Colin MILIGAN
An Autoethnography Of Becoming An Innovative Engineering Academic: Punk, Pirate And Guerilla Pedagogy, Michael MURRAY
Project “Acércate A La Ingeniería”: Impact Assessment And Satisfaction Questionnaire, Annabella NARGANES-PINEDA, Roberto E. ARAÑA-SUÁREZ, Mariana HERNÁNDEZ-PÉREZ, Paula GONZÁLEZ-SUÁREZ, Pedro M. HERNÁNDEZ-CASTELLANO, and María Dolores MARRERO-ALEMÁN
Inclusive Design In Action – A Case Study Describing The Design Of Social Area Seating In A University, Mary NOLAN, Eva MURPHY, and Mary CARDEN
Amplifying New Voices And Making Space For Alternative Knowledge Systems In Engineering Curricula – The Example Of Ubuntu, Anita OCCHIO, Fiona Caroline SAUNDERS, Gladson CHIKWA, and Dawn Theresa NICHOLSON
Teamwork Satisfaction And Student Attitudes Towards Online Learning During An Engineering Problem And Project Based Learning (PBL) Module, Sean O'CONNOR, Jason Richard POWER, Nicolaas BLOM, David A TANNER, and Victoria DE BRÚN
Comparing Engineering Students Perceptions Of Online And Traditional Face To Face Environments During A Problem And Project Based Learning (PBL) Module, Sean O'CONNOR, Jason Richard POWER, Nicolaas BLOM, David A TANNER, and Eamonn STACK MULVIHILL
The Conceptual Understanding Of Basic Electricity Concepts By Junior Engineering Students: An Update, Aidan O'DWYER
A New Approach To Encourage The Next Generation Of Female Engineers In Spain: A Young And Fresh Podcast To Attract More Girls To The Field: “Clau, Quiero Ser Ingeniera”, Marta OLEA, Francisco Javier JIMÉNEZ LEUBE, and Claudia REBOLLO
Fostering A Sustainable Future Through Inclusive Design, Samara OMAR, Kate YOUMANS, Aubrey WIGNER, Henry ARCHER, and Carrie MCCLELLAND
Engineering Solutions For A More Inclusive Society: A Case Study With Europe-Wide Challenge-Based Learning, Lennart OSTERHUS, Ulrike BULMANN, Viktoria Constanze SCHNEIDER, and Kaline FURLAN
Ethics4eu: Designing New Curricula For Computer Science Ethics Education: Case Studies For Ai Ethics, Dympna O'SULLIVAN, J Paul GIBSON, Andrea CURLEY, Anna BECEVEL, Emma MURPHY, and Damian GORDON
Drawing From SEFI Ethics Knowledge To Support Eco-Ethics Education Within The European University Of Technology, Jye Benjamin O'SULLIVAN and Shannon CHANCE
Unlocking Complex Vector Calculus Concepts For Engineering Students Using Geogebra, Pragashni PADAYACHEE and Thabiso KHEMANE
Moving Constructive Alignment Beyond The Curriculum: Embedding Mental Health And Wellbeing Into The UK Engineering Student Experience, India PALMER, Nicky KNOWLES, Jane ANDREWS, Robin CLARK, Gill COOKE, and Graeme KNOWLES
Using ICT To Motivate And Achieve Learning Outcomes In Live Teaching Of 650 Students, Juraj PETROVIĆ and Predrag PALE
Developing A Flexible Materials Testing Curriculum For Future Engineers, Anja PFENNIG
Flash Observations For Improved Teaching Quality Among Graduate Teaching Assistants In Engineering Education, Sarah PLUMB, Joanna BATES, Panos LAZARI, and Matteo DI BENEDETTI
The “Eagle” Approach To Train Electrical Engineers With Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills, Fereshteh POORMOHAMMADI, Merijn VAN DEYCK, Martijn DECKERS, Abdul SABOOR, Bowen WANG, Pouya MEHRJOUSERESHT, Zhenda ZHANG, Arne SYMONS, Pieter PAS, Alexander BODARD, Hans VAN ROOIJ, Marian VERHELST, Alexander BERTRAND, Ruth VAZQUEZ SABARIEGO, Panagiotis PATRINOS, and Peter COPPENS
Exploring The Application Of Chatgpt In Mechanical Engineering Education, Joan PUIG-ORTIZ, Rosa PÀMIES-VILÀ, and Lluïsa JORDI NEBOT
An Innovative Approach By ENTER Network: Integrating Sustainable Development Into Professional Training For Engineering Educators, José Carlos QUADRADO and Kseniia ZAITSEVA
Teach As You Preach: Teacher Training For STEM-Educators At DTU, Pernille RATTLEFF and Ditte Strunge SASS
Using Padlet On Math Collaborative Learning In An Engineering Course, Cristina M. R.CARIDADE and Deolinda Maria L. DIAS RASTEIRO
Experience With Remote Laboratories For On-Campus Engineering Degrees, David P. REID and Timothy D. DRYSDALE
Inclusion In Computing Via The Early Research Scholars Program At UIC, Renata Alejandra REVELO ALONSO, Diana DIAZ HERRERA, Anastasiia ROZHKOVA, and Joseph HUMMEL
Critical Consciousness And Engineering Design Teaching Framework, Renata Alejandra REVELO ALONSO, Joel Alejandro MEJIA, Luis MONTERO MOGUEL, and Alex STUTTS
A Digital Learning Environment Twin Of A Lab On Prototyping To Give Engineering Students Digital Access 24/7, Christian RIESS, Michael S. J. WALTER, Maria TYROLLER, and Robert NIERLICH
Reflections On Engineering Home Lab Kit Use In A Post Pandemic Environment, Joel ROSS, Sean LANCASTLE, Becky SELWYN, Greg RICHARDS, Sarah JONES, Dominic HARDMAN, and James SAUNDERS
A Way To Get Students Consider Ethics And Sustainability In IOT Projects, Jean-Luc SARRADE and Isabelle LERMIGEAUX-SARRADE
Screw Loose Toolbox, Anton SCHAEFER
Generation Z And Their Use Of Learning Management System In Programming Courses, Ole SCHULTZ and Tomasz BLASZCZYK
The Immersive Placement Experience: Sink Or Swim?, Mohammed SHAIKH, Abed ALASWAD, and Sarah JUNAID
Supporting Women In Science, Engineering And Technology Programmes: A TU Dublin Approach, Leslie SHOEMAKER and Sharon FEENEY
A Framework For Teaching Machine Learning For Engineers, Lauren SINGELMANN and Jacob COVARRUBIAS
Engagement In Technical Student-Run Organizations: How Do This Effect The Students’ Well-Being And What Does It Mean To The Future Of Education?, Ingrid Berg SIVERTSEN
Becoming An Expert In Soft Robotics In One Week And Beyond!, Peter STASSEN, Guy VAN LOOY, Sam PEERLINCK, Elias DE SMET, Imran Qayyum MUNDIAL, Alexis VAN MERRIS, and Benjamin GORISSEN
Exercising UNESCO Competencies In Students Through Research-Based Education For Sustainable Development, Scott STRACHAN, Claire CRICHTON-ALLEN, Louise LOGAN, and Stephen MARSHALL
Management Education In An Engineering Environment. The Case Of BME, Mária SZALMÁNÉ CSETE, Emma LÓGÓ, Bence BODROGI, and Tamás KOLTAI
Instructors' Expectations And Objectives For Integrating Sustainable Development And Ethical Issues Into The Curriculum, Tauno Aki TEPSA, Juhani ANGELVA, and Maisa Tuulikki MIELIKÄINEN
Work Performance Evaluation As A Motivational Approach For Early-Career Self-Management, Francesc TORRES, Santiago SILVESTRE, Ariadna LLORENS, and Antoni ELIAS
Tools To Reshape Engineering Education To Prepare Students And Professionals To Be Globally Responsible, Jonathan TRUSLOVE, Sarah Jayne HITT, Emma CRICHTON, John KRAUS, and Juliet UPTON
Engineering Faculty and Staff Inclusive Excellence Training: Broadening Engineering Pedagogy For All, Mohammad Moin UDDIN and Keith JOHNSON
Educating Future Robotics Engineers In Multidisciplinary Approaches In Robot Software Design, Astrid VAN DER NIET, Cilia CLAIJ, and Gillian SAUNDERS-SMITS
An Embodied Cognition Approach To Collaborative Engineering Design Activities, Gitte VAN HELDEN, Barry ZANDBERGEN, Anna SHVARTS, Marcus SPECHT, and Eberhard GILL
Improving Employability With A Competence Profile (PRACTICE), Giajenthiran VELMURUGAN and Dennis FRIEDRICHSEN
Re/Upskilling The Agricultural Labour Force: Micro-Credentials As Innovative LLL Strategy, Vladana VIDRIC, Christina PAULUS, Simon GREBNER, Maximilian TREIBER, Martin MAYR, and Andreas MANDLER
Defining A European Engineer Profile Within A European University Alliance, Morris VILLARROEL, Nilüfer ÜLKER, Pascal BIGEY, Pierre BERTRAND, Ramón MARTÍNEZ, Sophie GRIVEAU, Philippe BARBOUX, and Alberto GARRIDO
Unlocking Deeper Insights: A Qualitative Approach To Evaluating STEM Outreach In Engineering Education, Yiduo WANG, Lauren SCHROCK, Jane ANDREWS, and Robin CLARK
Delivery Of Mental Health Training Across A College Of Engineering, Sarah WILSON, Isabelle BLABER, Joshua HANCOCK, Gabriella PITCHER, and Joseph HAMMER
(Re)Defining Engineers’ Resilience: Part II Reflexive Accounts Of Doing Reflexive Thematic Analysis, Natalie WINT