Practice Papers

Document Type

Conference Paper


Generation Z students have grown up with ICT (information and communication technology) and are therefore used to being online more or less simultaneously on different types of media. Universities have different kinds of Learning Management Systems (LMS) with different possibilities for engagement. In the Electrical Engineering B. Eng. program at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) we use a system called Learn. It has features for setting up individual study plans as well as common plans. Features such as surveys, quizzes, peer reviews are built in. We are interested in the students' use of the LMS, their engagement and the relation to their achievement in the examination. The research questions we would like to answer are: How much do the students use Learn? What kind of materials do the students prefer? Is there any correlation between the use of materials on Learn and the grade? Is there any correlation between the score in quizzes and the grade? In this paper, we would like to describe and compare how much students use the materials in two different courses on the 2nd semester Digital Electronics and Programming (id 62734) and on the 4th semester Digital Design (id 62711). To answer these questions, we use data from Learn. And we conduct two qualitative surveys, one about students' motivation, (Sekala, A et. al, 2023) and the other one as a part of the final course-evaluations in spring 2023.


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