51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
The SEFI Annual Conference is a scientific conference focused on Engineering Education and the biggest event of this type in Europe. The conferences provide a unique opportunity for professors, students, industry and professional organisations to exchange their views on conference themes and to meet their peers to create a European network of contacts. The papers presented at the conference are listed in SCOPUS. Furthermore, as of 2022 each accepted paper will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
SEFI is a non-profit international organisation considered as the largest network of engineering education players in Europe active since 1973. SEFI’s members are institutions of higher engineering education, rectors, deans, professors, students, but also companies and other international associations and societies involved in the field. The mission of SEFI is to contribute to the development and the improvement of engineering education in Europe, to emphasise the need for and to strengthen the image of both engineering education and engineering education professionals in society.