Practice Papers
Submissions from 2023
Improving Communication Procedures By Means Of Videorecorded Proposals, Marta AGUILAR and Jordi OLIVELLA
Are E-Assessments The Future Of Assessments For Engineering Students?, Zohaib AKHTAR and Esther PEREA BOROBIO
Enhancing Engineering Students' Mathematics Learning Through Digitised Effective Feedback, Tugce AKKAYA and Fulya KULA
LMATE: An Innovative Bachelor Degree Connecting Mathematics And Industry, Sandra Maria ALEIXO and Sandra Gaspar MARTINS
Instructional Considerations For Virtual Reality In Engineering Training And Education: Preliminary Research Results, Haider AL-JUBOORI, Gina NOONAN, Vincent O BRIEN, and Dorel PICOVICI
Eng+ | Ethics For Sustainable Development In Engineering Programmes A Praxis Report Of Tu Berlin’s Think Tank Technology Reflection, Sabine AMMON, Mareen DERDA, Tim HILDEBRANDT, Stefan KÜHNE, and Nadine KLEIN
Multicultural Online Collaborative Learning: Students’ Engagement In Design Thinking Framework, Shizuyo ASAI, Yuli RAHMAWATI, Fauzan Khairi CHE HARUN, and Tula JUTAROSAGA
Engineering Curriculum Redesign: Is My School Ready For This?, Aikaterini BAGIATI and Julia REYNOLDS-CUÉLLAR
Making Meaning Together: An Autoethnography Study On Our Role In Ethics Education, Diana BAIRAKTAROVA, Lenka LHOTSKA, Amirouche MOKTEFI, Aive PEVKUR, and Constantin VICĂ
Certificate-Based Good Practice To Motivate Engineering Students To Learn Sustainability Skills, Orsolya BARNA and Mária SZALMÁNÉ CSETE
Why And How Do Students Need To Have Their Mental Health Considered In Engineering Schools?, Shirley BAYLE, Manon BOCAHUT, Loïc CHAMPEAU, Alya MUNEAUX, and Cathel ZITZMANN
Can Designing For Mars Stimulate Our Thinking About Designing More Sustainably For Earth?, Lucy BERTHOUD, James NORMAN, Ella GOOD, and Nicola KENT
Digital Learning Resources, Hybrid Teaching And Remote Students - Are Our Students Actively Engaged?, Thea BJØRNLAND
Transforming Curriculums For An Age Of Multi-Modal Education: A 5-Phase Approach, Justine I. BLANFORD and Jeroen VERPLANKE
A Theory-Based Teaching Concept To Embed Sustainability In The Engineering Curriculum, Brit-Maren BLOCK and Marie Gillian GUERNE
Conceptual Modelling As An Overarching Research Skill In Engineering Education, Mieke BOON
Entrepreneurship Education: Creating A Positive Adrenaline, Josep BORDONAU, Oier BOLIBAR, Alber FILBA-MARTINEZ, Joan NICOLÁS-APRUZZESE, and Sergio BUSQUETS-MONGE
Engineering Society: The Role Of Intersectional Gender And Diversity Studies For A Sustainable Transformation On The Case Of Interdisciplinary Engineering Education, Jennifer BOSEN, Sebastian BERNHARD, Evamaria FAUSTER, Marie DECKER, Miriam LÄMMERHIRT, and Carmen LEICHT-SCHOLTEN
Formulation Of The FIRIS-P Professional Core-Competency Framework For Flexible Academic Curricula: The Biomedical Engineering Program, Jan R. BUITENWEG
Towards Perceiving Teaching As A Joint Task In An Individualized Teaching Qualification Program For Mid-Level Academics At A German University Of Technology, Ulrike BULMANN and Nicole PODLESCHNY
Returning To On-Campus Activities For First-Year Engineering Skills Development - A Comparative Study, Gavin BUSKES and Huey Yee CHAN
What Do We Know About Our First-Year Engineering Students' Backgrounds And Experiences?, Gavin BUSKES and Shannon RIOS
Designing Of Curricula Of Environmental Engineering And Constructions Engineering For Sustainability, Enrica CAPORALI, Johann Antonio FACCIORUSSO, Riccardo GORI, and Elena PALMISANO
A Game-Based Learning Approach To Enhance Understanding Of Interface Design Principles In Design Education, Deborah CARBERRY, Colm O'KANE, Kevin DELANEY, Ulrich KRUHNE, Martin ANDERSSON, and Donal MCHALE
Embedding Sustainability In The Engineering Curriculum: Meeting The Requirements Of Professional Accreditation, Darren CARTHY, Richard MANTON, and Louise O' GORMAN
Supporting Teaching Staff: A Phenomenological Study Of The Innovation Readiness Of Teacher Support Staff, Leonie CHAPEL, Adina IMANBAYEVA, Nikola PETROVA, and Sonja BORST
The Bell Academy: A Bridge Semester Where Engineering Students Transform Into Student Engineers Who Thrive In Industry Placements, Darcie CHRISTENSEN, Lauren SINGELMANN, Cody MANN, Bart JOHNSON, and Ron ULSETH
A Scoping Review: Examples Of Mission-Driven And Mission-Oriented Innovation In Engineering Education Research, Svend Hauekrog CHRISTIANSEN, Anna Overgaard MARKMAN, Aida GUERRA, and Xiangyun DU
Assessment Of Different Platforms For Online Virtual Lab Demonstrations, Owen M CLARKIN, Anne MORRISSEY, Muhannad Ahmed OBEIDI, and Alma RYAN
The Relationship Between Vocational & Higher Education: Time For A Re-Charge?, Robin CLARK, Jane ANDREWS, and Benjamin SILVERSTONE
Engineering Student Belonging To Prevent Early Leavers Through Curriculum Decolonization, Academic Self-Concept, And Psychologically Safe Teamwork, Neil COOKE, Jacqueline CHETTY, Claudia FAVERO, Zena GREEN, Neil DRURY, and Pieter JOUBERT
Euniwell: Maximising Academic And Social Outcomes In Engineering Education, Neil COOKE, S CHUNG, KIM HAWWASH, D COTTLE, E CAPORALI, G BARTOLI, J FORSS, J ANDERSSON, and P CHARGÉ
Exploring The Potential For Scripting With Simulation In Engineering Education – Practical Examples Using Python And Ansys, Susannah COOKE, Susan COLEMAN, and James DERRICK
Engineering For One Planet: Resources For Infusing Sustainability And Leadership Competencies Across All Engineering Disciplines, Cindy COOPER, Cynthia ANDERSON, and Michael MILLIGAN
STEM Education And Research At The University Of Aruba For Sustainable Development Of Small Island Developing States: Case Studies On Energy Efficiency And Waste Management., Alba DE AGUSTIN CAMACHO, Mieke DE DROOG, and Wim VAN PETEGEM
A Critical Approach To Engineering Mathematics Activities For Sustainable Development, Matheus Oliveira DE ANDRADE and Mariam MAKRAMALLA
Teaching Sustainable Logistics As A Project-Based Learning Course, Carsten DECKERT and Ahmed MOHYA
Lessons From Redefining Traditional Work Placements For University Students In TU Dublin, Kevin Dominic DELANEY, Norah CUSSEN, and Deirdre RYAN
Insider Action Research On AI Needs Within The EIT Innoenergy Ecosystem, Inge DE WAARD, Albert GONZALEZ, and Anouk GELAN
Problems without Solution? Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainability in Engineering Education, Sahra DORNICK
Discovering Sustainability Practices In Research And Innovation Sites, Robin Ann DOWNEY
Problem Solving Skills Deconstructed And Implemented In An Adaptive Learning Tool, Arne DUYVER, Jozefien DE KEYZER, Els WIEERS, Kris HENRIOULLE, and Kris AERTS
Does Interdisciplinary Creative Coding Boost Creativity? A Mixed Methods Approach, Arne DUYVER, Wouter GROENEVELD, and Kris AERTS
Shaping A Sustainable Future Through Integrating Sustainability, Creativity And Entrepreneurship In Engineering Education At Aalto University, Paulo Roberto Nicoletti DZIOBCZENSKI, Elina KÄHKÖNEN, and Håkan MITTS
Continuous Assessment In Electric Power Engineering For Marine Engineers, Jimmy EHNBERG and Stefan LUNDBERG
On A Computer Science Master Program For Sustainable Development, Daniel EINARSON
Using Systems Thinking To Design Education To Make A Difference – A Progress Report, Bruce J ELLIOTT, Merve ERSOY, and Zena GREEN
Measuring Effects Of Mini-Lectures On Improving Student Engagement And Outcomes, Vincent ENGBERS, Rowel GÜNDLACH, Marta REGIS, and Maria VLASIOU
Problem-Based Learning Of Heuristic Methods For Decision Problems In Mathematics, Computer Science And Industrial Engineering, Felix ENGELHARDT, Christina BÜSING, and Sabrina SCHMITZ
Integrating Sociotechnical Issues In The Introduction To Circuits Course, Cynthia FINELLI and Susan LORD
Mentoring Programs For Engineering Students As A Way To Improve Their Skills And Competencies, Susana GARCÍA-CARDO, Rebeca Jacqueline MURILLO RUIZ, María José DÍAZ-LÓPEZ, and Marián QUEIRUGA-DIOS
Investigating The Perceptions Of Science And Engineering University Educators And Students Around Sustainability Integration And The Role Of Digital Tools, George GIANNOPOULOS, Vasiliki KIOUPI, Alfred OTI, and Tatiana VAKHITOVA
Centering Meaning-Filled Design Within Engineering Education: Recommendations On How To Integrate Interdisciplinary Architectural Design Charrettes, Community Engagement, Sustainability Principles, And Adapted Agile Methodologies Into A Student-Centered, Project-Based Engineering Program, David D GILLETTE, Michael HAUNGS, and Thomas FOWLER
The Effect Of Campus Praktikum On The Choice Of University Studies, Ester GIMENEZ-CARBO, M.Francisca COLLADO LÓPEZ, M.Asunción TORRALBA NAVARRO, and M. Esther GÓMEZ-MARTÍN
Towards Building A Framework For Continuing Engineering Education In Higher Education Institutions: A Comparative Study, Sonia M. GOMEZ PUENTE, Christopher SMITH, Matias URENDA MORIS, Bente NØRGAARD, Hans-Ulrich HEISS, Patricia CARATOZZOLO, Katriina SCHREY, H-R MYLLYMÄKI, and Rigas HADZILACOS
Enhancing Quality Teaching Through Informal Community Learning In Knowledge Centres, Sonia M. GOMEZ-PUENTE and Esther VENTURA MEDINA
Bachelor's Thesis Seminar In Computer Sciences And Information Technology, Matti HAAVISTO, Hannu-Matti JÄRVINEN, Terhi KILAMO, Saila OVASKA, and Timo PORANEN
Digital Ethics Canvas: A Guide For Ethical Risk Assessment And Mitigation In The Digital Domain, Cécile HARDEBOLLE, Vladimir MACKO, Vivek RAMACHANDRAN, Adrian HOLZER, and Patrick JERMANN
Setting Up An Engineering "Pilot Study Program" In E-Mobility" For International Students: Issues And Solutions, Meike HERBERT, Alexander NASAROW, and Oliver KREIS
The Power Of Perspective Dialogue: Unlocking Transformative Reflection In Engineering Education (Practice), Pleun HERMSEN, Sjoerd VAN DOMMELEN, Paula HUESO ESPINOSA, and Maartje VAN DEN BOGAARD
Sustainability Leadership For The Energy Transition: A Case Study Of Role-Playing To Enhance Authentic Learning, Anthony Paul HEYNEN and Elliot J TONKES
HELP – Home Electronics Laboratory Platform –Development And Evaluation, Martin HILL, Michael MURRAY, Tom O MAHONY, Raul ONET, and Marius NEAG
Establishing A Timber-Focused Competency Framework To Up- And Re-Skill Built Environment Professionals To Meet Sustainability Goals, Sarah Jayne HITT, Robert HAIRSTANS, Kirsty CONNELL-SKINNER, Tabitha BINDING, and Gabriele TAMAGNONE
Integration Of Agile Development In Standard Labs, Felix HUENING and Cindy MUND
Challenge-Based Learning In Courses: The Implementation Continuum, Adina IMANBAYEVA, Robin DE GRAAF, and Cindy POORTMAN
First Steps Towards Gamification Of Online Physics And Mathematics Assignments, Paula IMMONEN, Juho RATAVA, Johanna K NAUKKARINEN, Ayesha SADIQA, Jukka V PAATERO, Markku KUOSA, Aleksi MANKONEN, Barkat BHAYO, and Mikko ÄIJÄLÄ
Nine Years Of Systematic CAD Course Development: What Did We Learn?, Kaur JAAKMA and Panu KIVILUOMA
Digitalisation As An Opportunity For Women In STEM: Researching The Nexus Of School, University And Labour Market, Yves JEANRENAUD and Anna-Kathrin WIMMER
Improving Teaching Quality In Higher Education: A Practitioner's Guide To Using Formative Teaching Analysis Poll, Thies JOHANNSEN and Henning MEYER
Ethical Concerns And Responsible Use Of Generative Artificial Intelligence In Engineering Education, Aditya JOHRI, Euan LINDSAY, and Junaid QADIR
Exploring The Impact Of Problem-Based Learning On Student Learning Outcomes: Findings From The PBL South Asia Project, Andrius JURELIONIS, Gintare STANKEVICIUTE, Avinash DHITAL, Ellen VAN ANDEL, Julia SUNDMAN, Laura STASIULIENE, Shakuntala ACHARYA, and Riina SUBRA
International Cooperation Framework For Next Generation Engineering Students, Anneli KAKKO
Shared Interests In Live Case-Based Learning – Students’ Dynamic Role In An Innovation Ecosystem, Villads KEIDING, Sara GREX, Giana CARLI LORENZINI, and Giulio PANTANO
Sustainable Energy-Efficient Living – A First-Year Project-Based Workshop For Energy Engineers, Melanie KITZIG, Martin LANG, and Alexandra DORSCHU
Reshaping The Bio Medical Curriculum To Include Socialisation And Subjectification, Renate Gerarda KLAASSEN, Linette R.H. BOSSEN, Costanza MILANO, and Hans HELLENDOORN
A Three-Year Academic Track Towards Literacy In Sustainable Development - A Computer Science Study Program Case, Kamilla KLONOWSKA, Marijana TELJEGA, and Daniel EINARSON
Engaging Students Through Innovation In Computer Science Education, Kamilla KLONOWSKA, Marijana TELJEGA, and Fredrik FRISK
The ‘Engineering First Year’: "Step Up" To Success, Nicola KNOWLES, Jane ANDREWS, Gill COOKE, Lauren SCHROCK, Robin CLARK, and Graeme KNOWLES
Teaching Ethics As Practical Reflection In A Project-Based Engineering Course, Marcel KRÜGER, Michael JÄCKLE, and Felix PFAFF
The Art Of Repairing - Or How To Teach Engineering Students Sustainable Design Principles, Stefan KÜHNE, Christian FORBRIG, Anja MARCKWARDT, Julian KOBER, Juri RAPPSILBER, and Dirk OBERSCHMIDT
Designing A Curriculum For A Sustainable Entrepreneurship Major: A Case Study, Meri KUIKKA
Exploring Strategies To Promote Engagement And Active Learning Through Digital Course Design In Engineering Mathematics, Fulya KULA, Erik M. HORSTMAN, Lavinia S. LANTING, and Linda R. TEN KLOOSTER
How Does Involvement In Student Associations Contribute To The Development Of An Engineer's Skills? Example Of Magiepoly: Raising Awareness Of Gender Equality Through Games., Vinciane LAMY, Sarah EL ADDOULI, and Cathel ZITZMANN
Engagement And Solidarity While Learning, Deolinda Maria L. DIAS RASTEIRO, Cristina M. R. CARIDADE, Ascensión HERNANDEZ ENCINAS, Araceli QUEIRUGA-DIOS, and Ion MIERLUS
Communicating Complexity To Prepare For Complexity, Magnus LILLEDAHL
Learn And Work: A Hybrid Educational Model For Engineering Education, Katherine A. LOOBY and Catherine M. DEEGAN
Supporting Women In Engineering and Technology Through A Collaborative Practice And Support Network Using Targeted Interventions, Michelle LOOBY, Marie ARMSTRONG, Una BEAGON, Emma M DUNNE, Svetlana HENSMAN, Farrah HIGGINS, Paula KELLY, Isabelle KILLANE, Susan LYNOTT, Orla MCMAHON, and Bahareh PAHLEVANZADEH
Realising A Centre For Educational Development: Experiences, Challenges, Lessons Learnt, And Future Ambitions, Reidar LYNG, Guri Sivertsen KORPÅS, Gabrielle HANSEN, and Geir Egil Dahle ØIEN
“Keep It Simple: Optimized Student Evaluations With Moodle”, Marius MAILÄNDER, Edward RULLMANN, Felix DI LENARDA, Christian FORBRIG, and Juri RAPPSILBER
Innovative Engineering Education In The Wake Of Smart Agriculture. Revision Of The Agricultural Engineering Curriculum, Andreas MANDLER, Giovanni CARABIN, Lorenzo BECCE, Francesco Fabio NICOLOSI, and Fabrizio MAZZETTO
Fostering Individual Learning Types On Online Learning Platforms To Strengthen Students' Competencies, Anja MARCKWARDT, Stefan KÜHNE, Julian KOBER, Daniel ROLON, Samuel ERDT, and Dirk OBERSCHMIDT
EELISA Credential: The Recognition Of Commitment And Impact In The Addressing Of Societal Challenges In The EELISA Alliance, Ramón MARTÍNEZ RODRÍGUEZ-OSORIO, Thibaut SKRZYPEK, Sophie GRIVEAU, Tamás LOVAS, Nilüfer ÜLKER, Eike TROST, Mariana MOCANU, Piero CASTOLDI, Claudia GIUA, Ignacio GONZÁLEZ TEJADA, Sofía D'AGUIAR, and Daniel CHAPARRO
Integrating AR Technology Into CBM Laboratory Experiments, Alan MCDONNELL, Brian VAUGHAN, David MCDONNELL, and Bernard CAPRARO
Mapping The Sustainable Developmental Goals And Student Perspectives On Skills Development Using Alternative Assessments For Engineering Education, Janet MCKENNEDY and Zeinab BEDRI
Student Engagement In Sustainability Issues Through Video Production: A Multimodal Critical Consciousness-Based Approach To Engineering Education, Joel Alejandro MEJIA and Luis MONTERO
Enhancing Professional Skills Among Engineering Students By Interdisciplinary International Collaboration, Thomas MEJTOFT, Helen CRIPPS, Melissa FONG-EMMERSON, and Christoper BLÖCKER
Improving Motivation And Continuous Assessment In Engineering Classrooms Through Student Response Systems, María Dolores MERCHÁN MORENO, Elena PASCUAL CORRAL, Cristina PRIETO CALVO, Mario MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ, and María Jesús SANTOS SÁNCHEZ
Use Of The Triple-Bottom Line Framework To Examine The Design Tendencies Of First Year Engineering Students, Kimia MOOZEH, Josh ZACKS, Michael CHABOT, and Paul HUNGLER