
Submissions from 2019


The maternal health behaviours of non-Irish nationals during pregnancy and the effect of time living in Ireland, R. Palmer, R. Layte, and John Kearney


Associations Between Maternal Physical Activity in Early and Late Pregnancy and Offspring Birth Size: Remote Federated Individual Level Meta‐analysis From Eight Cohort Studies, S. Pastorino, T. Bishop, S. Crozier, C. Granstrom, K. Kordas, L. Kupers, E. O'Brien, K. Polanska, K. Sauder, M. Zafarmand, R. Wilson, C. Agyemang, P. Burton, C. Cooper, E. Corpeleijn, D. Dabelea, W. Hanke, H. Inskip, F. McAuliffe, S. Olsen, T. Vrijkotte, S. Brage, A. Kennedy, D. O'Gorman, P. Scherer, K. Wijndaele, N. Wareham, G. Desoye, and K. K. Ong

Biological Membranes in EV Biogenesis, Stability, Uptake, and Cargo Transfer: an ISEV Position Paper Arising from the ISEV Membranes and EVs Workshop., A.E. Russell, A. Schneider, K. W. Witwer, P. Ergese, S. N. Bhattacharyya, A. Cocks, E. Cocucci, U. Erdbrugger, J. M. Falcon-Perez, D. W. Freeman, T. M. Gallagher, S. HU, Y. Huang, S. M. Jay, S. Kano, G. Lavieu, A. Leszczynska, A. M. Lorente, Q Lu, V. Mahairaki, D. C. Muth, N Noren Hooten, M. Ostrowski, I. Prada, S. Sahoo, T.H. Schoyen, L. Sheng, D. Tesch, G. Van Niel, R.E Vandenbroucke, F.J. Verweiji, A.V. Villar, M. Wauben, A. M. Wehman, H. Yin, D.R.F. Carter, and P. Vander


Biological Membranes in EV Biogenesis, Stability, Uptake, and Cargo Transfer: an ISEV Position Paper Arising from the ISEV Membranes and EVs Workshop, Ashley E. Russell, Alexandra Sneider, Kenneth W. Witwer, Paola Bergese, Suvendra N. Bhattacharyya, Alexander Cocks, Emanuele Cocucci, Uta Erdbrugger, Juan M. Falcon-Perez, David W. Freeman, Thomas M. Gallagher, Shuaishuai Hu, Yiyao Huang, Steven M. Jay, Shin-ichi Kano, Gregory Lavieu, Aleksandra Leszczynska, Alicia M. Llorente, Quan Lu, Vasiliki Mahairaki, Dillon C. Muth, Nicole Noren Hooten, Matias Ostrowski, Ilaria Prada, Susmita Sahoo, Tine Hiroth Schoyen, Lifu Sheng, Deanna Tesch, Guillaume Van Niel, Roosmarijn E. Vandenbroucke, Frederik J. Verweij, Ana V. Villar, Marca Wauben, Hang Yin, David Raul Francisco Carter, and Pieter Vader


Developing Gold Nanoparticles-Conjugated Aflatoxin B1 Antifungal Strips, Tobiloba Sojinrin, Kangze Liu, Kan Wang, Daxiang Cui, Hugh Byrne, James Curtin, and Furong Tian


Decadal Biomass Increment in Early Secondary Succession Woody Ecosystems is Increased by CO2 Enrichment, Anthony Walker, Martin G. De Kauwe, Blinda E. Medlyn, Sonke Zaehle, Colleen M. Iversen, Shinichi Asao, Bertrand Guenet, Anna Harper, Tonas Hickler, Bruce A. Hungate, Atul K. Jain, Yiqi Luo, Xingjie Lu, Meng Lu, Kristina Luus, J. Patrick Megonigal, Ram Oren, Edmund Ryan, Shijie Shu, Alan Talhelm, Ying-Ping Wang, Jeffrey M. Warren, Christian Werner, Jianyang Xia, Bai Yang, Donald R. Zak, and Richard J. Norby

Submissions from 2018


Carcinogenesis in Prostate Cancer: The role of Long Non-Coding RNAs, John Aird, Anne-Marie Baird, Marvin C.J Lim, Ray McDermott, Stephen P. Finn, and Steven G. Gray


Factors Associated with Maternal Wellbeing at Four Months Post-Partum in Ireland, Annemarie E. Bennett and John Kearney


Predictors of Vitamin D Supplementation Amongst Infants in Ireland Throughout The First Year of Life, Annemarie Bennett and John M. Kearney


Patient experiences of a physiotherapy-led multidisciplinary rehabilitative intervention after successful treatment for oesophago-gastric cancer, Annemarie Bennett, L. O'Neill, D. Connolly, E. M. Guinan, L. Boland, Suzanne Doyle, J. O'Sullivan, J. V. Reynolds, and J. Hussey


The Potential of Cold Plasma for Safe and Sustainable Food Production, Paula Bourke, Dana Ziuzina, Daniela Boehm, Patrick Cullen, and Kevin Keener


Optimization of folic acid supplementation in the prevention of neural tube defects, Shona Cawley, Daniel McCartney, Jayne V. Woodside, Mary Rose Sweeney, Robert McDonnell, Anne M. Molloy, and Michael J. Turner


Anti-biofilm Activity of Antibody Directed Against Surface Antigen Complement Receptor 3-Related Protein-Comparison of Candida Albicans and Candida Dubliniensis, Jaroslava Chupáčová, Elisa Borghi, Giulia Morace, Agata Los, and Helena Bujdáková


Identifying a Novel Role for Fractalkine (CX3CL1) in Memory CD8(+) T Cell Accumulation in the Omentum of Obesity-Associated Cancer Patients, Melissa J. Conroy, Stephen G. Maher, Ashanty M. Ashanty, Suzanne Doyle, Emma K. Foley, John V. Reynolds, Aideen Long, and Joanne Lysaght


First trimester serum biomarkers to predict gestational diabetes in a high-risk cohort: Striving for clinically useful thresholds, Siobhan M. Corcoran, Natalie Achamallah, John O'Loughlan, Philip Stafford, Pat Dicker, Fergal D. Malone, and Fionnuala Breathnach


Sarcopenia during neoadjuvant therapy for oesophageal cancer: characterising the impact on muscle strength and physical performance, E.M. Guinan, Suzanne Doyle, A.E. Bennett, L. O'Neill, J. Gannon, J.A. Elliott, J. O'Sullivan, J.V. Reynolds, and J. Hussey


Quantifying Excess Deaths Related to Heatwaves under Climate Change Scenarios: A multicountry time series modelling study, Yuming Guo; Antonio Gasparrini; Shanshan Li; Francesco Sera; Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera; Micheline De Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coêlho; Paulo Hilário Nascimento Nascimento Saldiva; Éric Lavigne; Benjawan Tawatsupa; Kornwipa Punnasiri; Ala Overcenco; Patricia Matus Correa; Nicolas Valdes Ortega; Haidong Kan; Samuel Osorio; Jouni J.K. Jaakkola; Niilo R.I. Ryti; Patrick J. Goodman; Ariana Zeka; Paola Michelozzi; Matteo Scortichini; Masahiro Hashizume; Honda, Yasushi Honda, Yasushi; Xerxes T. Seposo; Ho Young Kim; Aurelio Tobías; Carmen Iñiguez Fernández; Bertil Forsberg; Daniel Oudin Åström; Guo, Yue Leon Guo, Yue Leon; Bing Yu Chen; Antonella Zanobetti; Joel D. Schwartz; Tranngoc Ngoc Dang; Dung Do Van; Michelle L. Bell; Ben G. Armstrong; Ebi, Kristie L. Ebi, Kristie L.; and Shilu Tong


Microfluidics in coagulation monitoring devices: A mini review, Leanne Harris and Anthony J. Killard


The relationship between early pregnancy dietary intakes and subsequent birthweight and neonatal adiposity, R.A.K. Kennedy, Laura Mullaney, A.C. O'Higgins, A. Doolan, Daniel McCartney, and M.J. Turner


Blunted serum 25(OH)D response to vitamin D3 supplementation in children with autism, Conor Kerley, Basil Elnazir, Peter Greally, and David Coghlan


The Role of Choice in Weight Loss Strategies: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Jill. M. Leavy, P. M. Clifton, and Jennifer B. Keogh


Current and Future Technologies for Microbiological Decontamination of Cereal Grains, Agatha Los, Dana Ziuzina, and Paula Bourke

Contribution of Efflux to Colistin Heteroresistance in a Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Cinical Isolate, Diana Machado, Jessica Antunes, Ana Simoes, Joao Perdigao, Isabel Couto, Matthew McCusker, Marta Martina, Isabel Portugal, Teresa Pacheco, Judite Batista, Cristina Toscano, and Miguel Toscano


Haemagglutinin-neuraminidase from HPIV3 Mediates Human NK Regulation of T Cell Proliferation Via NKp44 and NKp46, Samantha McQuaid, Sinead Loughran, Patrick Power, Paula Maguire, Dermot Walls, Maria Grazia Cusi, Claes Orvell, and Patricia Johnson


First Trimester Prediction of Uteroplacental Disease- Results of the Prospective Handle Study, Kathy Monteith, Lisa McSweeney, Colm R. Breathnach, Lucy Sherrin, Patrick Dicker, Elizabeth C. Tully, John O'Loughlin, Sharon Campbell, Greg Byrne, Fergal Malone, Afif EL-Khuffash, Etaoin Kent, and Ann Doherty


Maternal Anaemia and Folate Intake in Early Pregnancy, E.G. O'Malley, Shona Cawley, R.A.K. Kennedy, C.M.E. Reynolds, A. Molloy, and M.J. Turner


Comparison At The First Prenatal Visit of the Maternal Dietary Intakes of Smokers With Non-Smokers in a Large Maternity Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study, Emer G. O'Malley, Shona Cawley, Ciara M.E. Reynolds, Rachel A.K. Kennedy, Anne Molloy, and Michael Turner


Awareness and Prevalence of Human Milk Sharing and Selling in the United States, Elizabeth O'Sullivan, Sheelagh R. Geraghty, and Kathleen Maher Rasmussen


Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of High Molecular Weight Proteins in Solution - Considerations for Sample Analysis and Data Pre-processing, Drishya Rajan Parachalil, Brenda B. Brankin, Jennifer McIntyre, and Hugh Byrne


Exploring the Association of Urban or Rural County Status and Environmental, Nutrition- and Lifestyle-related Resources With the Efficacy of SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education) to Improve Food Security, Rebecca L. Rivera, Jennifer Dunne, Melissa K. Maulding, Qi Wang, Dennis A. Savaiano, Sharon M. Nickols-Richardson, and Heather A. Eicher-Miller


Detection of “Xisco” gene for identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates, Francisco Salvà-Serra, Gwendolyn Connolly, Edward Moore, and Lucia Gonzales-Siles


Temperature-Related Mortality Impacts Under and Beyond Paris Agreement Climate Change Scenarios, Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera; Yuming Guo; Francesco Sera; Veronika Huber; Carl Friedrich Schleussner; Dann Mitchell; Shilu Tong; Micheline De Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho; Paulo Hilário Nascimento Nascimento Saldiva; Éric Lavigne; Patricia Matus Correa; Nicolas Valdes Ortega; Haidong Kan; Samuel Osorio; Jan Kyselý; Aleš Urban; Jouni J.K. Jaakkola; Niilo R.I. Ryti; Mathilde Pascal; Patrick J. Goodman; Ariana Zeka; Paola Michelozzi; Matteo Scortichini; Masahiro Hashizume; Yasushi Honda; Magali Hurtado-Díaz; Julio Gonzalez Cruz; Xerxes T. Seposo; Ho Kim; Aurelio Tobías; Carmen Iñiguez Fernández; Bertil Forsberg; Daniel Oudin Åström; Martina S. Ragettli; Martin Röösli; Yueleon Guo; Chang-fu Wu; Antonella Zanobetti; Joel D. Schwartz; Michelle L. Bell; Tranngoc Ngoc Dang; Dung Do Van; C. Heaviside; Sotiris Vardoulakis; Shakoor Hajat; Andrew Haines; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom; Ben G. Armstrong; Kristie L. Ebi; and Antonio Gasparrini


A Multi-Country Analysis on Potential Adaptive Mechanisms to Cold and Heat in a Changing Climate, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, Francesco Sera, Yuming Guob, Yeonseung Chung, Katherine Arbuthnotta, Shilu Tong Tong, Aurelio Tobias, Micheline de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Paulo Hilario Nascimento Saldivai, Patrick J. Goodman, Ariana Zekak, Masahiro Hashizumel, Yasushi Honda, Ho Kim, Martina Ragettlio, Martin Rooslio, Antonella Zanobetti Zanobetti, Joel Schwartz, Ben Armstrong, and Antonio Gasparrini


Infant Feeding Practices in China and Ireland - Ireland Chinese Mother, Qianling Zhou, Katherine Younger, and John Kearney

Submissions from 2017


Longer-Term Impact of Highand Low Temperature on Mortality: An International Study to Clarify Length of Mortality Displacement, Ben Armstrong, Michelle Bell, Micheline de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Yue Liang Leon Guo, Yuming Guo, Patrick J. Goodman, Masahiro Hashizume, Yasushi Honda, Ho Kim, Eric Lavigne, Paola Michelozzi, Paulo Hilario Nascimento Saldiva, Joel Schwartz, Matteo Scortichini, Francesco Sera, Aurelio Tobias, Shilu Tong, Chang Fu Wu, Antonella Zanobetti, Ariana Zeka, and Antonio Gasparrini


Exploring Smoking, Mental Health and Smoking-related Disease in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Adults in Ireland: a Retrospective Secondary Analysis, Annette Burns, Judith Strawbridge, Luke Clancy, and Frank Doyle


Broad-Scale Redistribution of mRNA Abundance and Transcriptional Machinery in Response to Growth Rate in Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium, Andrew D. S. Cameron, Shane Dillon, Carsten Kröger, Laurens Beran, and Charles Dorman


Pilot Evaluation of an Online Weight Management Programme, Shona Cawley, S. Farrell, D. G. Byrne, M. J. Turner, B. Clune, and Daniel McCartney


Pilot Evaluation of an Online Weight Management Programme, Shona Cawley, Stephen Farrell, Declan G. Byrne, Michael Turner, B. Clune, and Daniel McCartney


Duration of Periconceptual Folic Acid Supplementation in Women Booking for Antenatal Care, Shona Cawley, Laura Mullaney, Rachel Kennedy, Maria Farren, Daniel McCartney, and Michael J. Turner


Carbon Dioxide Sources from Alaska Driven by Increasing Early Winter Respiration from Artic Tundra, Roisin Commane, Jacob Lindaas, Joshua Benmergui, Kristina Luus, Rachel Chang, Bruce Daube, Eugenie Euskirchen, John Henderson, Anna Karion, John Miller, Scot Miller, Nicholas Parazoo, James Randerson, Colm Sweeney, Pieter Tans, Kirk Thoning, Sander Veraverbeke, Charles Miller, and Steven Wofsy


Impact of supplemental home enteral feeding postesophagectomy on nutrition, body composition, quality of life, and patient satisfaction, C.L. Donohoe, L.A. Healy, M. Fanning, Suzanne Doyle, A. McHugh, J. Moore, N. Ravi, and J.V. Reynolds


Determination of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate in Human Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Q-Tof Mass Spectrometry, Emmanuel Egom, Ross Fitzgerald, Rebecca Canning, Rebabonye B. Pharithi, Colin Murphy, and Vincent Maher


Sarcopenia: Prevalence, and Impact on Operative and Oncologic Outcomes in the Multimodal Management of Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer, Jessie Elliott, Suzanne Doyle, Conor Murphy, Sinead King, Emer Guinan, Peter Beddy, Narayanasamy Ravi, and John Reynolds


CD10 − /ALDH − Cells are the Sole Cisplatin-Resistant Component of a Novel Ovarian Cancer Stem Cell Hierarchy, Brendan Ffrench, Claudia Gasch, Karsten Hokamp, Cathy Spillane, Gordon Blackshields, Thamir Mahmoud Mahgoub, Mark Bates, Louise Kehoe, Aoibhinn Mooney, Ronan Doyle, Brendan Doyle, Dearbhaile O ’ Donnell, Noreen Gleeson, Bryan T Hennessy, Britta Stordal, Ciaran O ’ Riain, and Helen Lambkin


Projections of Temperature-related Excess Mortality Under Climate Change Scenarios, Antonio Gasparrini, Yurning Guo, Francesa Sera, Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera, Veronika Huber, Shilu Tong, Micheline de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Paulo Saldiva, Eric Lavigne, Patricia Correa, Nicolas Valdes Ortega, Haidong Kan, Samuel Osorio, Jan Kysely, Ales Urban, Jauni Jaakkola, Niilo Ryti, Mathilde Pascal, Patrick J. Goodman, Ariana Zeka, Paola Michelozzi, Matteo Scortichini, Masahiro Hashizume, Yasushi Honda, Magali Hurtado-Diaz, Julio Cruz, Xerxes Seposo, Ho Kim, Aurelio Tobias, Carmen Iniguez, Bertil Forsberg, Daniel Astrom, Martina Ragettli, Yue Guo, Chang-fu Wu, Antonella Zaobetti, Joel Schwartz, Michelle Bell, Tran Ngoc Dang, Duong Do Van, Clare Heaviside, Sotiris Vardoulakis, Shakoor Hajat, Andy Haines, and Ben Armstrong


The "eyes" have it?-intra- and inter-observer reproducibility of the PD-L1 companion diagnostic assay, Steven G. Gray, Mark Wright, and Stephen Finn


Heat Wave and Mortality: A Multicountry, MulticommunityStudy, Y. Guo, A. Gasparrini, B.G. Armstrong, B Tawatsupa, A. Tobias, E. Lavinge, M. de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, X. Pan, H. Kim, M. Hashizume, Y. Honda, Y. Leon Guo, C. Wu, A. Zanobetti, J. D. Schwartz, M. L. Bell, M. Scortichini, P. Michelozzi, K. Punnasiri, S. Li, L. Tian, S. D. Osorio Garcia, X. Seposo, A. Overcenco, A. Zeka, P. J. Goodman, T. N. Dang, D. V. Dung, F. Mayvaneh, P. H. Nascimento Saldiva, G. Williams, and S. Tong


Vitamin D Supplementation to Prevent Asthma Exacerbations: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of individual Participant Data, David Jolliffe, Lauren Greenberg, Richard Hooper, Christopher Griffiths, Carlos Camargo Jr., Mitsuyoshi Urashima, Conor Kerley, Megan Jensen, David Mauger, Iwona Stelmach, and Adrian Martineau


Preferences of women for web-based nutritional information in pregnancy, Rachel AK Kennedy, Laura Mullaney, C.M.E. Reynolds, S. Cawley, Daniel McCartney, and M.J. Turner


Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Juice Selectively Lowers Ambulatory Pressures and LDL Cholesterol in Uncontrolled but not Controlled Hypertension: a Pilot Study., Conor Kerley, Eamon Dolan, and Liam Cormican


Vitamin D Improves Selected Metabolic Parameters but not Neuropsychological or Quality of Life Indices in OSA: A Pilot Study, Conor Kerley, Katrina Hutchinson, Jessica Branham, Aisling McGowan, John Faul, and Liam Cormican


Vitamin D Receptor Variants and Uncontrolled Asthma, Conor Kerley, Katrina Hutchinson, John Faul, Peter Greally, David Coghlan, Basil Elnazir, Michael Louw, and Yury Rochev


Lack of Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation in Autism: a 20-week, Placebo-Controlled RCT, Conor Kerley, Clare Power, Louise Gallagher, and David Coghlan


Outcomes of exclusive enteral nutrition in paediatric Crohn's disease, L. Lafferty, M. Tuohy, A. Carey, Sheila Sugrue, M. Hurley, and Seamus Hussey


Controlled Cytotoxicity of Plasma Treated Water Formulated By Open-air Hybrid Mode Discharge, Peng Lu, Daniela Boehm, Paula Bourke, and Patrick Cullen


Cancer incidence in Ireland—the possible role of diet, nutrition and lifestyle, Daniel McCartney, Declan Byrne, Marie Cantwell, and Michael Turner


Maternal Nutrient Intakes From Food and Drinks Consumed in Early Pregnancy in Ireland, Laura Mullaney, Shona Cawley, Rachel Kennedy, Amy C. O'Higgins, Daniel McCartney, and Michael J. Turner


1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-Dione-based Compounds are Effective in Disturbing Crucial Physiological Events of Phialophora Verrucosa, Marcela Queiroz Granato, Diego de Souza Goncalves, Sergio Henrique Seabra, Malachy McCann, Michael Devereux, Andre Luis de Souza dos Santos, and Lucimar Ferreira Kneipp


Sinapinic and Protocatechuic Acids Found in Rapeseed: Isolation, characterisation and potential benefits for human health as functional food ingredients, Leah Quinn, Steven G. Gray, Steve Meaney, Steven Fiinn, Owen Kenny, and Maria Hayes


Extraction and Quantification of Sinapinic Acid from Irish Rapeseed Meal and Assessment of Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE-I) Inhibitory Activity, Leah Quinn, Steven Gray, Steve Meaney, Stephen Finn, Padraig McLoughlin, and Maria Hayes


A National Audit of Smoking Cessation Services in Irish Maternity Units, C. Reynolds, B. Egan, S. Cawley, S. Sheehan, and M. Turner

Subjective and Objective Taste and Smell Changes in Cancer, L. E. Spotten, Clare Corish, C. M. Lorton, P. M. Ui Dhuibhir, N. C. O'Donoghue, B. O'Connor, and T. D. Walsh


PCR-ribotype distribution of Clostridium difficile in Irish pigs, Katharina Stein, Sarah Egan, Helen Lynch, Celine Harmanus, Lorraine Kyne, Celine Herra, Sinead McDermott, Ed Kuijper, Fidelma Fitzpatrick, Susan FitzGerald, Lynda Fenelon, and Denise Drudy

Submissions from 2016


An Evaluation of Factors Which Can Affect the Implementation of a Health Promotion Programme Under the Schools for Health in Europe Framework, Annemarie Bennett, Cara Cunningham, and Charlotte Johnston Molloy


Views of fathers in Ireland on the experience and challenges of having a breast-feeding partner, Annemarie Bennett, Daniel McCartney, and John Kearney


An Analysis of Folic Acid Supplementation in Women Presenting For Antenatal Care, Shona Cawley, Laura Mullaney, Aoife McKeating, Maria Farren, Daniel McCartney, and Michael Turner


Parallel Profiles of Inflammatory and Effector Memory T Cells in Visceral Fat and Liver of Obesity-Associated Cancer Patients, Melissa Conroy, Karen Galvin, Suzanne Doyle, Maria Kavanagh, Ann-Marie Mongan, Aoife Cannon, Gillian Moore, John Reynolds, and Joanne Lysaght


The Microenvironment of Visceral Adipose Tissue and Liver Alter Natural Killer Cell Viability and Function, Melissa J. Conroy, Vivienne Fitzgerald, Suzanne Doyle, Shauna Channon, Zivile Useckaite, Niamh Gilmartin, Cliona O'Farrelly, Narayanasamy Ravi, John V. Reynolds, and Joanne Lysaght


Fructose Acute Effects on Glucose, Insulin, and Triglyceride After a Solid Meal Compared with Sucralose and Sucrose in a Randomized Crossover Study, Clare Gallagher, J.B. Keogh, Eva Pedersen, and Peter M. Clifton


A Fully Integrated Microfluidic Device For Point-Of-Care Monitoring Of Antithrombotics, Leanne F. Harris, Paul Rainey, Tomas L. Lindahl, and Anthony J. Killard


Long-term Drainage Reduces CO2 Uptake and Increases CO2 Emission on a Siberian Floodplain Due to Shifts in Vegetation Community and Soil Thermal Characteristics, Min Jung Kwon, Martin Heimann, Olaf Kolle, Kristina Luus, Edward A. G. Schuur, Nikita Zimov, Sergey A. Zimov, and Mathias Göckede


Investigating Alaskan Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Using Measurements from the CARVE Tower, Anna Karion, Colm Sweeney Colm Sweeney, John B. Miller John B. Miller, Arlyn E. Andrews, Roisin Commane, Steven Dinardo, John M. Henderson, Jacob Lindaas, John C. Lin, Kristina Luus, Tim Newberger, Pieter Tans Pieter Tans, Steven C. Wofsy, Sonja Wolter, and Charles E. Miller


Dietary Nitrate in Decreased Blood Pressure in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome: a Series of N-of-1trials, Conor Kerley, Liam Cormican, and Eamon Dolan


Dietary Nitrate Acutely and Markedly Increased Exhaled Nitric Oxide in a Cystic Fibrosis Case, Conor Kerley, Emma Kilbride, Peter Greally, and Basil Elnazir


Dietary Nitrate Increases Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Non-Ischemic, Dilated Cardiomyopathy-a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial., Conor Kerley, James O'Neill, Venu Reddy Bijjam, Ciara Blaine, Philip James, and Liam Cormican


Methodologies and considerations for bladder cancer detection with Raman based urine cytology, Laura T. Kerr, Thérése M. Lynn, Ivor M. Cullen, Padraig J. Daly, Nigam Shah, Shirley O'Dea, Alison Malkin, and Bryan M. Hennelly


Relationship between fasting plasma glucose levels and maternal food group and macronutrient intakes in pregnancy, Laura Mullaney, Aisling Brennan, Shona Cawley, Amy C. O'Higgins, Daniel McCartney, and Michael J. Turner


Use of a web-based dietary assessment tool in early pregnancy, Laura Mullaney, Amy C. O'Higgins, Shona Cawley, R. Kennedy, Daniel McCartney, and M.J. Turner


Current and Emerging Therapies for the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis or Mitigation of Its Symptoms, Mark P. Murphy and Emma M. Caraher


Detection of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:9 in the faeces of cattle with false positive reactions in serological tests for brucellosis in Ireland, Don O'Grady, Kevin Kenny, Seamus Power, John Egan, and Fergus Ryan


Overview of Fiber Optic Sensor Technologies for Strain/Temperature Sensing Applications in Composite Materials, Manjusha Ramakrishnan, Ginu Rajan, Yuliya Semenova, and Gerald Farrell


Potassium Intake, Bioavailability, Hypertension, and Glucose Control, Michael S. Stone, Lisa Martyn, and Connie M. Weaver

Submissions from 2015


Detection and Epidemiology of Plasmid-Mediated AmpC b-Lactamase Producing Escherichia Coli in Two Irish Tertiary Care Hospitals, Celine Herra


Endurance Exercise Training Programs Intestinal Lipid Metabolism in a Rat Model of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, Yu-Han Hung, Melissa A. Linden, Alicia Gordon, R. Scott Rector, and Kimberly K. Buhman


Vitamin D as an Adjunctive Therapy in Asthma. Part 1: A Review of Potential Mechanisms, Conor Kerley, Basil Elnazir, John Faul, and Liam Cormican


Vitamin D as an Adjunctive Therapy in Asthma. Part 2: A Review of Human Studies, Conor Kerley, Basil Elnazir, John Faul, and Liam Cormican


Inverse Relationship Between Physical Activity, Adiposity and Arterial Stiffness in Healthy Middle-aged Subjects, Oscar Mac Ananey, B Mc Loughlin, A Leonard, L Maher, P Gaffney, G Boran, and V Maher


An Estimation of Periconceptional Under-reporting of Dietary Energy Intake, Laura Mullaney, Amy C. Higgins, Shona Cawley, Anne Doolan, Daniel McCartney, and Michael J. Turner


Breast-feeding and Postpartum Maternal Weight Trajectories, Laura Mullaney, Amy O'Higgins, Shona Cawley, Rachel Kennedy, Daniel McCartney, and Michael J. Turner

Submissions from 2014


Ethnic Variation in Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding in the Republic of Ireland, Patricia Castro, Richard Layte, and John Kearney


Controlled Modifications of Surfaces on the Nanoscale., Ann Hopper


Selection of the Process Parameters for the Mass Plating of Discrete Electronic Components, Ann Hopper


Comparison of Semi-Automated and Manual Measurements of Carotid Intima-Media Thickening, Oscar Mac Ananey, G Mellotte, and V Maher


Pilot Data on Brain-to-Blood Efflux of B-Amyloid Peptides in Man, Steve Meaney; Maura Heverin; Ingemar Bjorkhem,; Dorotea Religa; John Wahren; and Ulf Diczfalusy


Btk Regulated Macrophage Polarization in Response to Lipopolysaccharide, Joan Ní Gabhann, Emily Hams, Siobhán Smith, Claire Wynne, Jennifer C. Byrne, Kiva Brennan, Shaun Spence, and Adrien Kissenpfennig


Increased Expression of Phosphorylated FADD in Anaplastic Large Cell and Other T-Cell Lymphomas, Suketu Patel, Derek Murphy, Eugenia Haralambieva, Zainalabideen A. Abdulla, Kah Keng Wong, Hong Chen, Edith Gould, Giovanna Roncador, Chris S.R. Hatton, Amanda P. Anderson, Alison H. Banham, and Karen Pulford


TRIM68 Negatively Regulates IFN-b Production by Degrading TRK Fused Gene, a Novel Driver of IFN-b Downstream of Anti-Viral Detection Systems, Claire Wynne, Elisa Lazzari, Siobhan Smith, Eoghan McCarthy, Joan Ni Gabhann, Lara Kallai, Rowan Higgs, Sally Ann Cryan, Christine Byron, and Caroline Jefferies

Submissions from 2013


Article Navigation Wild-type Measles Virus Infection Upregulates Poliovirus Receptor-Related 4 and Causes Apoptosis in Brain Endothelial Cells by Induction of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-lnducing Ligand, Haniah Abdullah, Brenda B. Brankin, Clare Brady, and Sara Louise Cosby


Obesity is an Independent Predictor of Breastfeeding Initiation When Socioeconomic Status is Controlled For, Annemarie Bennett, Daniel McCartney, and John Kearney