
Author ORCID Identifier

Jennifer - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9366-5279

Catherine - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7712-391X


John Tribe proposed a model for ethical tourism which ‘utilises the Aristotelian idea of actions guided by practical wisdom, and that can contribute to curriculum, which participates in ‘tourism world-making' (Tribe, 2002, p323). Considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the integration of sustainability literacy into tourism education becomes essential for nurturing graduates capable of sustainable practices. This case study, employing a virtual fieldtrip (VFT) with authentic assessment, examines the integration of sustainability literacy and technology skills. Whilst technology enhances engagement, its role in the VFT does not surpass traditional methods. Integrated assessment and a multi-stakeholder approach make learning comprehensive. Yet, inclusion of constructs relating to values, futures and systems thinking would allow for further cross-disciplinary assessment. Whilst technology reduces the ecological footprint of field trips, it does not replace the richness of 'live' experiential learning.

Student feedback, via surveys based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) adoption model and forms, reveals the challenge of picking up new technology skills. Of 66 students, 42% responded. Students were mostly positive about technology aiding assessment (78.9%) and helping with work (75%). Yet, only half see it improving performance. Although recognising that industry desires tech-savvy graduates (89.2%), produced mixed feelings among students, not all were willing to engage with technology. This study stresses the value of real-world experiences in tourism education, emphasising industry involvement. Multi-stake-holder engagement highlights valuable learning experiences, and technology integration is seen as crucial for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, influencing sustainable destination management.

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