Research Papers

Document Type

Conference Paper


The demand for graduates who are well-prepared for employment remains a persistent concern. This study aims to examine the perceptions of career preparedness among engineering students in a systemic problem-based learning environment, employing a gender perspective. The data for this study was collected through two focus group interviews conducted with engineering students in their eighth semester. The collected data was then coded, resulting in the identification of three main categories: (1) professional competence development, (2) career anticipation, and (3) gender role. The findings of the study reveal that collaboration with external companies and the provision of practical support play a vital role in enhancing career preparedness among engineering students. However, the students demonstrated limited considerations regarding their future career plans. Furthermore, notable differences were observed between male and female students in terms of their perceptions of their acquired technical-profesional skills. Based on the study’s outcomes, recommendations are provided for the engineering programme. These recommendations emphasize the importance of offering adequate support to female students, with a particular focus on recognizing their strengths.


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