Document Type
Conference Paper
In this workshop run by the Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning SIG, attendees were first given an overview of the changing skills landscape from 2011 to 2023 to set highlight some of the international recognised priorities around skills. Next, the workshop attendees then examined in separate groups three questions around what and how Continuing Engineering Education (CEE) is being approached within different institutions. Shared experiences show that there are a variety of approaches (short courses and microcredentials) that were targeted at relevant local industries, and/or responding to a specific skills need. It was apparent that strategic direction is required from senior leaders within academic institutions to ensure appropriate resourcing is put in place to enable these CEE offerings. Also, more evidence is required around the desire and specific demand from employers to up-skill their employees, particularly in transversal skills. Opportunities were seen in micro-credentials and in coordinated approaches between education providers, industry and third-sector organisations. Various existing and potential models for CEE were discussed, including stackable and modular provision; use of personal coaches, MOOCs and microcredentials; the use of company-based academics; clusters of companies coming together to provide scale; and the role and use of Recognition of Prior Learning. Additionally, it is apparent that a responsive, agile and flexible system is required, so again requiring strategic direction. The discussions will feed into the SIG activities for the coming year.
Recommended Citation
Smith, C., & Kalman, A. (2023). How Can Continuing Engineering Education Approaches Meet Societal And Industry Needs For Future-Focused, Lifelong Learning Skills And Competences? European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). DOI: 10.21427/6VN5-HF41
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