
Document Type

Conference Paper


There is a notable discrepancy between the relative prosperity of Europeans and the global security and sustainability challenge. The mission of the ERASMUS+ 2020 European University for Well-Being (EUniWell) alliance is to address this. Our project, “Maximizing Academic and Social Outcomes in Engineering Education” (MASOEE) interprets this contradiction for engineering educators, exploring how to ensure graduates make the utmost contribution to societal wellbeing by narrowing attainment gaps. We are combining the expertise of British, French, Italian, and Swedish faculties to identify, share, and ultimately transfer best practices for professional, business, and sustainability skill teaching that is aligned to the EU competency frameworks including EntreComp (Bacigalupo et al. 2016) and GreenComp (Bianchi, Pisiotis, and Cabrera Giraldez 2022). Furthermore, we are finding out how disadvantaged cohorts in each partner faculty are characterized and supported. The project is guided by the following research questions:

  • What are the similarities and differences between our students, staff, teaching, and culture?
  • How are skills taught and embedded in programmes? What are student attitudes to learning these? How do we currently define and measure social outcomes?
  • Which new approaches can we employ improve social and academic outcomes?


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