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Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence

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Resource pack prepared in the LTTC, Technological University Dublin, 2017.


The massification of higher education is now a global phenomenon Huge changes in the teaching and learning milieu within colleges. The forces of massification have brought multiple challenges with regard to pedagogy. What kind of pedagogy to employ? The role of the lecturer is to empower learning and it is challenging and complex. There is a need to employ a pedagogy which requires students to do things, to access information, to solve problems, to reflect on what they are doing and make connections to real world problems.

Educational research has revealed a number of important lessons for educators:

Importance of active and student-centred learning

Importance of developing lifelong learning skills

Importance of learning in context

Students cannon be treated as “empty vessels”

Students construct their own knowledge and understanding

The potential of group learning

Why active learning is to be developed:

Encourage students to adopt a deeper learning approach

Increase student motivation and hence engagement

Achieve all levels of cognitive learning

Allow students to interact with the unknown

Allow students to develop and construct their own understanding based on what they already know

Allow the students to take responsibility and be more independent

Ensure the students are interacting with each other, the tutors and resources.
