Document Type

Conference Paper


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2. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Education, general, including:


A common theme in the scholarly literature describing engineering is associated with the conception of the term global engineer where the role of the engineer has become quite broad. This study investigates engineering students’ perceptions of their future careers and their preparation for professional practice. This is important information for engineering educators as students with heightened interest in professional practice demonstrate more cognitive engagement. Additionally many graduate engineers are challenged by the transition into engineering practice. A mixed methods approach is employed. The degree competencies are required and learned by electronic engineering students, at the Institute of Technology Tallaght Dublin, is investigated statistically. Students’ perceptions of their future careers are explored qualitatively. The results show that students’ learning is based solely on the academic viewpoint. Gaps between competencies required for engineering practice and competencies learned are identified. It is concluded that there is a need to make professional engineering clearer.

