
Notes for Authors

Notes for Contributors

1. Irish Communications Review aims to provide a forum in Ireland for research, analysis and discussion of all matters related to media communications and to communications studies. Media Communications encompasses broadcasting, film, journalism, public relations, advertising, media education, etc.Studying the media within their political, cultural, economic and historical contexts, it seeks to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences, and to present information on new developments relevant to the field. International as well as national issues will be examined.

Irish Communications Review is divided into sections covering research reports, analytical articles, documents, statistical data, and book reviews. From time to time, it will contain visual, pictorial and photographic essays.

2. Irish Communications Review welcomes contributions from practitioners, academics and researchers. They should be addressed to the Editors, Irish Communications Review, School of Media, Dublin Institute of Technology, Aungier Street, Dublin 2, Ireland, or to icr@dit.ie.

3. Contributions to the journal may be made under any of the following headings: a) Articles, normally 4,000 to 6,000 words, excluding tables, illustrations and references; b) Reports and commentary accompanying documents or data, 2,000 to 4,000 words; c) Book reviews, not exceeding 1,000 words; d) Thesis abstracts, 500-700 words; and e) Pictorial, photographic and visual essays. While we welcome unsolicited book reviews, potential reviewers should consult the editors before undertaking a review. Publication is not automatic, and all editorial decisions are taken by the editors with relevant advice where appropriate. All contributions will be acknowledged. 4. Contributions must not have been published elsewhere with substantially the same content or simultaneously be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 5. Contributions may be submitted in two ways: a) typewritten on A4 paper, single-sided and double-spaced; b) electronically via an email attachment to icr@dit.ie. Contributions should be complete in all respects. Pages should be numbered consecutively with generous margins. A separate sheet should contain the title, author's name and affiliation(s) in the form required for publication, and a biographical note of not more than 100 words. Contributors of articles are asked to submit an abstract of 300 words.

British spelling should be used. The text should be sub-divided by section headings where appropriate.

6. Footnotes, numbered consecutively, should be used sparingly and placed at the end of the article; they should apply only for substantive material whose inclusion in the text would be distracting. Citations in the text should follow the 'author/date/page' system, as per Sheehan (1987:5) or (McLoone and MacMahon, 1984:10) or (Clancy et al., 1986).

7. References, under the heading 'References', should be placed alphabetically at the end of the text. Multiple entries by an author or set of authors in the same year should be postscripted a,b,c (1996a, 1996b, 1996c), etc.

Citation formulas for references should be as follows:

Sheehan, H. (1987). Irish Television Drama. A Society and its Stories. Dublin: Radio Telefis Eireann.

Bell, D. (1992) 'Purely an Academic Matter: Relating Critical Theory and Production Practice within Media Studies', Irish Communications Review, 2:26-34.

Kelly, M. (1984) 'Twenty Years of Current Affairs on RTE', pp.89-106 in M. McLoone and J. MacMahon (eds.), Television and Irish Society. 21 Years of Irish Television. Dublin: Radio Telefis Eireann.

8. Tables should be numbered consecutively, with clear and full captions. Illustrations, tables or maps borrowed from published sources are accepted with the proviso that written permission has been obtained from the copyright holder, and a copy of that permission accompanying the manuscript. Original illustrations or photographs are accepted with the proviso that the original artwork or good quality black/white photographs are supplied.

9. Copyright in publication rests with the publisher (Dublin Institute of Technology), although it is accepted that the publisher will not place restrictions on the author's use of material contained in the paper in subsequently published work.