Submissions from 2013
Lessons in Playing: Robert Morris’ Bodyspacemotionthings as a Biopolitical Environment, Tim Stott
Submissions from 2012
Articulations of Irish Language Poetry as Multimodal Texts, Brenda Duggan
Temporalities and the Dawn Response to the Conservation and Restoration of Paintings., Brian Fay
Recursion and the Question: 'When is Art?' The Case of Tino Sehgal, Tim Stott
Submissions from 2011
When Is an Artwork?:Bergson’s Progress and the Art object., Brian Fay
How Locative Media Art Set the Agenda for Mobile Location Aware Apps (and Why This Still Matters)., Conor McGarrigle
Submissions from 2010
Is One Life Enough? Delivering a Module in Second Life, John O'Connor and Claudia Igbrude
Collective As Form, Playground As Medium, Tim Stott