Document Type

Book Chapter


Theatre science, 6.4 ART

Publication Details


The period from the 1990s through to 2020 saw a profound shift in the identity of the Republic of Ireland. The early twentieth century was focussed on the move from a colonial to a postcolonial existence, and the majority of the first decades of independence were spent struggling as one of the poorest countries in Western Europe and taking tentative steps onto the single market as a member of the EU (then EEC) after 1973. However, the period of the 1990s to late 2000s saw the nation gradually assert itself as an increasingly liberal, notionally secular, economically vigorous member of the global economy. The ‘Celtic Tiger’ period (named after the so-called Asian tiger economies) of roughly fifteen years saw unprecedented economic growth in Ireland (Dorgan, 2006). However, this proud new national identity would be shaken in the wake of the 2008 global economic crash, exacerbated by an unsustainable housing bubble in Ireland. Following the 2008 crash, a number of Irish financial institutions faced the possibility of imminent collapse due to insolvency. The decision taken by the government to guarantee the banks to the tune of a €64-billion bailout and the imposition of austerity measures led to widespread public disillusionment and cynicism about the Irish government (Fanning, 2016). The austerity budgets naturally resulted in a major reduction in funding for Irish theatre, which saw the severe reduction or cessation of support to numerous Irish theatre companies, such as Barabbas Theatre Company (Dublin), Island Theatre Company (Limerick), Calipo Theatre Company (Louth), Livin’ Dred (Cavan), Red Kettle (Waterford), Performance Corporation (Sligo), and Tall Tales Theatre Company (Meath), to name but a few.

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