Why Hip Implants Fail

Document Type



3. MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, Geriatrics and gerontology, Rheumatology

Publication Details


RTE Brainstorm, updated / Friday, 14 Jul 2023 15:50.


According to the Irish Hip Fracture Database, 3,666 hip fracture cases in patients aged 60 years and over were performed in Ireland in 2020. This accounts for 99% of all hip fracture cases in Ireland. Given how the overall quality of life is improving for the general population, it is only expected that there will be a projected increase in hip fracture surgeries.

Hip fractures tend to occur in patients between 60 and 80 years, with 90% of hip replacement surgeries resulting from osteoarthritis, and in individuals who partake in high-impact sports. Typically, the patient would have to return after 15 years for a revision surgery to fix or replace the hip implant from the first surgery. This second surgery can be complicated, costly, time-consuming and painful for the patient.


This research received no external funding
