Are We Protecting Older People To Within An Inch of Their Lives?

Document Type



Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


3. MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, Geriatrics and gerontology, Public and environmental health

Publication Details

RTE Brainstorm, Updated / Monday, 4 Jan 2021 12:23


In this Decade of Health Ageing, participation in physical activity is hugey important and there is increasing evidence about the benefits of outdoor physical activity for ageing adventurers. Ireland is ageing and, while an ageing population is positive, the narrative is often negative and harmful, something which has been exacerbated by cocooning. An one-size-fits-all approach presumes that all over 70s are a homogenous group and such stereotyping perpetuates ageism and demotivates older people. Fortunately, as Cyndi Lauper might suggest these days, older people just want to have fun and will do so given the opportunity.
