Debunking some of the myths around Bloody Sunday

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RTE Brainstorm, Updated / Wednesday, 18 Nov 2020 16:02.


The events of Bloody Sunday, November 21st 1920, are regarded as having marked a decisive turning-point in the Irish War of Independence. Three separate but connected events occurred that day: the killings by Michael Collins's 'squad’ of British Intelligence agents in their Dublin homes that morning; the killing by British forces of 14 civilians at Croke Park in the afternoon and the arrest and killing of two high-ranking Dublin IRA officers that night. In all, 30 people died within fifteen hours on that fateful day in Dublin. Like many events of historical importance, facts about Bloody Sunday have been coloured or clouded by political censorship, social biases and urban legends fueled by fictionalized accounts made popular in film and other media.
