Why Working From Home Is Good For You (And Everyone Else)
Document Type
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence
Dr Who is a very famous Time Lord who has the ability to be in several places in the galaxy at once. This reminds us all of our busy working and home lives as we wish for more time and the ability to be in several places at once. An increasing number of employees are now taking charge of their commute time and working hours and, with the support of policies from their employers, can work from home. They are able to be in two places at once, home and work, almost like a Time Lord!
Recommended Citation
Coleman, M., Jennings, M. & Hennigan, R. (2019). Why Working From Home is Good for You (And Everyone Else). RTE Brainstorm, made available Wednesday, 4th December 2019, 12.26 pm. doi:10.21427/a4am-mh71
Publication Details
Updated Wednesday 4th December 2019, 12.26.