Document Type

Theses, Ph.D


6.2 CULINARY ARTS, Food and Beverage, Food Studies, Food Product Development

Publication Details

Thesis for the fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Dietmar Weiss, MSc 05-2024 School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Technological University Dublin, May 2024.


Consumer research, crucial to the success of new products, relies traditionally on rational judgements and opinions, which may not reflect the real reasons for consumer choice. The goal of this research was to apply and further develop the concepts of Kansei engineering to quantify an emotional response to product use. In addition to the application of the traditional Kansei engineering methods, three innovations were introduced. Firstly, the use of images instead of words to define the emotional space and further limit the interference of cognitive processes in the outcome. Secondly, the application of orthogonal arrays in product designs. Thirdly, the application of the Taguchi method for robust engineering design in product development. Correlations between the emotional descriptors, (both semantic and visual), and the rational value assessment provided an evaluation of a novel way to undertake product development that incorporated a more fundamental understanding of the underpinning drivers of food choice.


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