Student Journal of Energy Research | Ceased publication | Technological University Dublin


Editor-in-Chief: Professor Aidan Duffy, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Structural Engineering
Associate Editors: Professor Michael Conlon, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Electrical Systems Engineering
  Professor David Kennedy, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering
  Dr. John Doran, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Physics
Assistant Editor: Mr. Gianni Goretti, Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Structural Engineering

The Student Journal of Energy Research (SJER) is a multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of energy-related research. It is reviewed, edited and published by the Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. The journal is specifically aimed at doctoral researchers at the Institute, who are responsible for authoring and peer-reviewing the publications. The majority of these students are members of the Dublin Energy Lab, the Institute’s interdisciplinary energy research centre.

Please see Aims and Scope for more information.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Number 1 (2017)
