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Publication Details

Dissertation submitted for the award of MSc in Computing (Knowledge Management).


The World Wide Web has become a household name long before its official sixteenth birthday last August (2007), not lastly because of its Knowledge potential encompassed in its vast Knowledge resources and its suitability for Knowledge activities. Out of the three main types of Web usage, which are Procedural, Leisure and Knowledge, this work will concentrate on the Knowledge one and try to analyse the rationale behind its growing popularity among both producers and consumers of Web content. The extensive Knowledge usage of the Web both demands and offers a specific type of Knowledge, Web Knowledge, which will be assessed and contrasted with its other, more traditional forms, namely, librarian, educational, or organisational Knowledge. By investigating the Knowledge aspect of the Web, this research will attempt to recognise the key characteristics describing a typical Web Knowledge node. These characteristics will be developed into a framework that will be used to examine a range of different Web sites for the purpose of identifying their Knowledge component. Ultimately, this work will present a Knowledge view of the Web covering the times of its conception, its current state and its future trends. The objective is to demonstrate that the World Wide Web, despite its liberal and spontaneous nature, is a very fertile ground for the Knowledge and Knowledge Management activities.
