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Document Type
Conference Paper
Computer Sciences, Information Science, *human – machine relations
Enhancing long-term engagement with conversational agents remains a significant challenge. Controlling the perceived warmth or directness of an agent’s personality through the style of its generated text could be used to increase user likeability. This paper reports an investigation of a Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) mediated study of two variants of a motivational embodied conversational agent to measure user perception of and attitudes towards warmth in interaction style. Results show a significant effect of users preferring an agent with a "more direct" personality for this scenario, though this effect is in many ways nuanced.
Recommended Citation
O'Mahony, Michael; Ennis, Cathy; and Ross, Robert, "Getting to the point: Contrasting Directness and Warmth in Motivational Embodied Conversational Agents" (2024). Conference papers. 440.
Science Foundation Ireland
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
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