Document Type
Conference Paper
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence
Civil engineering, Architecture engineering
It was recently announced that a BIM mandate for the Irish public sector is not imminent, suggesting that the sector is not yet ready for what such a mandate implies. Following on from a forward-looking BIM Roadmap for Ireland in 2017 and the publication by the authors of a detailed BIM in Ireland study in 2017 and 2019, what is the actual state of readiness for a more general BIM mandate in Ireland? This paper will review recent publications, seminars and industry initiatives on this topic of interest supported by an online survey to assess the current state of readiness for a BIM mandate in Ireland. An assessment will be made of what deficits, if any, need to be addressed before the introduction of a BIM mandate would be a practical proposition. Reflections on the success of other similar-sized economies will be referred to in identifying the priorities for Ireland in its preparation for a full BIM mandate, in addition to the relative importance of BIM given the ongoing impact of the CoVID-19 global pandemic on Ireland’s economy.
Recommended Citation
McAuley, B., West, R. and Hore, A. (2020) The Irish Construction industry's state of readiness for a BIM mandate in 2020, Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2020 Conference, Cork, 27th - 28th August 2020, pp 740-745.
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Architectural Engineering Commons, Architectural Technology Commons, Construction Engineering Commons, Other Engineering Commons
Publication Details
Proceedings of the 4th CitA BIM Gathering, Galway, 26th September 2020.