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As a process, originally defined by the UK Government, Level 2 Building Information Modelling (BIM) involves the creation of digital project information, following industry standard guidelines. Through the application of Level 2 BIM, the construction industry can now develop digital representations of physical assets. By combining BIM with digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), an opportunity is created to link integrated building sensors to these digital representations via advanced Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) systems. Successfully combining physical elements to digital elements through a CAFM system results in the creation of Digital Twins (DT), providing an opportunity for dynamic data analysis throughout the capital delivery phase into the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase. A major aspect in the creation of DT involves the ongoing relationship between physical and digital versions of assets. To ensure that physical and digital elements remain aligned, bi-directional updating of data is required. This is achieved through the collection of real-time data via interlinked sensors, generating an opportunity to analyse the performance of the asset and it’s occupants. Level 2 BIM provides for delivery of clearly defined project data at intervals of maturity which are termed “data drops”. Where project outcomes are poorly defined, the process of digital information delivery often results in a return to traditional methods of data exchange, resulting in static data analysis. Traditional methods of information exchange include graphical and non-graphical data in the form of PDF and Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) data in Excel format. Static methods of delivering data do not present the DT with the dynamic data required to constantly adapt and reflect the physical version. The aim of this research paper was to determine if the replacement of existing information exchange deliverables with DT can improve building to operations information transfer, and contribute towards greater efficiencies in the post-occupancy operational phase of Level 2 BIM projects in Ireland.


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