
Submissions from 2014


Beyond Big Business. Opportunities and Challenges for Irish HEIs in Engaging with Family Businesses and Community & Voluntary Groups through the Student Work Placement Process, Joan Buckley and Lyndsey El Amoud

Submissions from 2013


Beyond Big Business, Opportunities and Challenges for Irish HEIs in Engaging with Family Businesses and Community & Voluntary Groups through the Student Work Placement Process, Buckley Joan and Lyndsey El Amoud


ESPACE: Building a Collaborative Workspace using Microsoft 365, David Kirk and Ward Solutions Ltd


A Partnership Approach to Work Placement in Higher Education, Irene Sheridan and Margaret Linehan

Submissions from 2012


Customised Learning Development - An Exploration of Practice, Roadmap for Employment-Academic Partnerships, Irene Sheridan, and John P. Murphy


Developing the External Engagement Process in Higher Education through Effective Change and Technology, Irene Sheridan, Colm Barry-Murphy, and Heather Madden


Customised Learning Development - An Exploration of Practice, Irene Sheridan and John P. Murphy

Submissions from 2011


Undergraduate Work Placement Programmes in Ireland: Issues and Solutions, Joan Buckley and Lyndsey El Amoud


Work Placement in Third-Level Programmes, Roadmap for Employment-Academic Partnerships, Irene Sheridan, and Margaret Linehan

Submissions from 2010


The Technological University Dublin Placement Experience Partnership (DIT-PEP) Framework, Kevin Griffin, Sheila Flanagan, Elizabeth Kennedy-Burke, and Stephanie Bourke


Beyond Big Business for Student Work Placement, a Guide for Family Businesses and Community and Voluntary Groups., University College Cork, Roadmap for Employment Academic Partnerships, and Higher Education Authority


Beyond Big Business for Student Work Placement, a Guide for Placement Practitioners., University College Cork and Roadmap for Employment Academic Partnerships [REAP]

Submissions from 2009


Engaging with Higher Education – Employer Perspectives, Roadmap for Employment Academic Partnerships., Niamh Corcoran, and Michelle Bradley

Learning Needs Analysis in Selected Employment Sectors, Roadmap for Employment Academic Partnerships and Margaret Linehan


Meeting the needs of the Modern Workplace through Employment Academic Partnership, Roadmap for Employment-Academic Partnerships, Terry Maguire, Robert Murphy, and David Kirk


Work-Based Learning Symposium Proceedings 2009, Irene Sheridan and Margaret Linehan

Submissions from 2008


Work Based Learning - Graduating Through The Workplace, Margaret Linehan