

This second issue of CALL Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, Literature and Language makes available a group of papers selected from the considerably larger body of work that was presented at The Cultures of Popular Culture conference, promoted by the Royal Irish Academy’s Committee for Modern Languages, Literary and Cultural Studies and held at Queen’s University Belfast on 13 and 14 December, 2013. The conference was the first one entirely devoted by the RIA to a subject that has become increasingly central in the field of Modern Languages as well in numerous other disciplines. If compared to the countless academic events that have been dedicated to popular culture, the specificity of that conference and this publication lie in its adoption of a cross-cultural perspective. While participants included more than forty scholars coming from Ireland, the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Turkey, and the US, the subjects addressed in their papers examined a corpus of works and cultural phenomena touching not only on Western and Middle Eastern countries but also Central and South America, Africa and Asia. The variety and scope of the conference responded to the very objective of our initiative, which aimed to reflect the heterogeneity of a field that cannot be apprehended by a single discipline nor an individual cultural tradition.
