About This Journal
CALL is a peer-reviewed journal open to project- and issue-based research and proceedings in the fields of Culture, Arts, Literature and Language. It is particularly interested in projects and issues generated by colleagues and teams in Irish academic and cultural institutions which feature international contributions, especially from the broad spectrum of the study and exploration of modern literatures and cultures. The journal concentrates on cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary, comparative topics, as well as creative and unorthodox approaches to such issues.
Each issue is edited by the host editing team, which ultimately determines the various stages of the publication, including the selection and format of each issue. The specific format and submission details of each issue will be made available by each editing team in its instructions and call for papers. General guidelines are provided under ‘Submission Guidelines’.
If you wish to organise and publish an issue or discuss a potential project or issue, please contact the Continuity editor.
The first two issues of CALL will feature the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Modern Languages Symposium 2011 and 2013. The journal will remain open to issue unpublished proceedings from previous conferences.