Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery Oral History Project

Interview with Aylin Oney Tan
Technological University Dublin
Aylin Öney Tan is one of the leading food writers of Turkey, as well as an award winning architect, with her expertise on conservation of historic monuments. Currently, she writes two weekly columns for leading newspapers of Turkey; centre left daily of the country, Cumhuriyet, and English daily Hürriyet Daily News. Her prime research interest is historical, ethnological and cultural contexts of food; for that purpose she travels worldwide, and attends various symposia on food. Aylin is a regular participant in Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, where she has won the Sophie Coe Award for food history in 2008 with her paper titled “Poppy: Potent yet Frail”. She is also the leader of the Slow Food Ankara Convivium, previously being a jury member of the Slow Food Award from 2000-2003. She contributed to ‘The Encyclopaedia of Food Cultures of the World’ from ABC-CLIO/Greenwood, with the entry on Turkey. Aylin guides and gives consultancy to food writers and media crews on food culture and history of Turkey. Having studied architecture and conservation in Turkey, Italy and the UK, Aylin blends both of her professions at times; such as working as the curator for the Istanbul-Princess Islands City Museum, Culinary Culture Section. She is in the advisory board of publications for MSA, Culinary Arts Academy of Istanbul. Her latest work is the book, A Taste of Sun & Fire: Gaziantep Cookery on the cuisine of south-eastern culinary capital of Turkey. She has recently completed a book on Turkish Cuisine for Reaktion Books in UK.
Publication Date
interview, oral history, cookery, gastronomy
Digital Humanities