This is a digital file of a kitchen book for Jammet's Restaurant, Dublin for the period August 1949 to February, 1950. This details the menus the kitchen staff were to prepare for each day. A transcription of each page has been provided. Please bear in mind that the original was written in pencil so while every attempt has been made to ensure an accurate transcription, there may be errors and users are advised to check against the original.
August, 1949: Jammet's Restaurant Kitchen Book
Jammet's Restaurant
This is a digital file of a kitchen book for Jammet's Restaurant, Dublin for the period August 1949 to February, 1950. This details the menus the kitchen staff were to prepare for each day. A transcription of each page has been provided. Please bear in mind that the original was written in pencil so while every attempt has been made to ensure an accurate transcription, there may be errors and users are advised to check against the original.