Reimagining Ireland: 100th Volume Continues to Map Way Forward for Irish Studies

Document Type



Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


General literature studies, Specific literatures

Publication Details

Archived with kind permission from The Irish Times, Thursday 8th April, 2021.


Irish studies has blossomed as a discipline over time. This flowering took root with the emergence in the 1960s and 1970s of “area studies”, or area-based programmes, which emphasised that knowledge of the literature, culture, history and diversity that shape and mould various cultures and disciplines should form an essential ingredient of university courses. Hence, French studies, peace studies, women’s studies, European studies, and postcolonial studies, to cite but a few examples, all came to the fore and proposed a broader menu for students’ delectation than had previously been the norm.
