
Forthcoming Issues

Special issue: 'Sustaining parental well-being at individual, family and societal levels'.

This special issue will consider different perspectives on parental well-being and how parental well-being can be positively influenced at an individual, family and policy level. Positive parental well-being is critical to the meaning of parenting for parents. Parental well-being is determined by the level and depth of societal approbation forthcoming for an essential and valued human activity, which delivers pro-social children and cultivates the common good. In this way, parents contribute to the betterment of society. It will examine to what extent parenting is a meaningful and fulfilling endeavour for parents.

It will investigate parental well-being through examination of critical research, analysis and reflection - parenting theory, policy, supports and lived experiences. It will include how COVID-19 is affecting parental well-being and explore responses to this. Importantly, it will identify policy interventions to promote socially cohesive, egalitarian parenting practices within a social justice framework.

Guest Editor: Dr Rosemary Crosse

Inquiries: Dr Rosemary Crosse, rosemary.crosse@nuigalway.ie

Prospective contributors are invited to submit a 4,000-6,000-word article and abstract (excluding reference list, tables and figures) on or before the 1st of March 2022.

Manuscripts should be submitted via the IJASS website homepage.

Forthcoming special issue 'Social robotics and the social professions'.

This special issue will incorporate papers that showcase emerging possibilities and potential in the developing field of social robotics for practice innovations across health, care and education services.

Key words: Social robotics, public care provision, social professions.

Guest Editors: Dr Perry Share (Atlantic Technological University), Dr John Pender (Atlantic Technological University).