Document Type

Conference Paper


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Publication Details

Presented at the Higher Education in Transformation Symposium November 2 - 4, 2016 in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada


In response to recent directives to promote quality energy efficient buildings throughout Europe, the EU funded Build UP Skills Ireland (BUSI) project launched a national skills gap analysis of the construction sector in 2011. Generally, the gap that was identified was one of knowledge rather than skills. However, this knowledge is fundamental for the successful implementation of low energy buildings. The BUSI analysis also found that the majority of trainers of construction related crafts lacked the experience and knowledge on the implementation of energy efficient buildings. Consequently, the follow on Build UP Skills QualiBuild project focussed on the development and delivery of a Train the Trainer programme which would address this. The QualiBuild Train the Trainer pilot was designed with a focus on active learning, incorporating a flipped learning model for the delivery of a blended learning programme. This was facilitated by the development of learner manuals for each of the programme modules which presented the course content to the learners ahead of face-to-face workshop events. Group learning activities were then employed as a means for achieving one of the key learning outcomes identified in the programme development, a need for attitudinal change. This paper will offer a rationale for the design, structure and delivery methods adopted for the programme. It will also present and discuss the successes and failures of the pilot along with recommendations for future offerings of similar type programmes.
