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2.2 ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC, INFORMATION ENGINEERING, Electrical and electronic engineering

Publication Details


Future generations of wireless communications are envisioned to provide several Gbps data rates per user for billions of users simultaneously [1]. The proliferation of billions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in various industries has pushed wireless networks to their limits in terms of the required capacity to effectively communicate the vast amounts of data that are generated [2]. Moreover, the increasing number of IoT devices is changing mobile communication services from interpersonal communication to smart interconnection among billions of devices. 6G is expected to fulfill the requirements of a fully connected world and provide ubiquitous wireless connectivity for all [3], adopting transformative solutions, e.g. intelligent surfaces and programmable wireless environments [4], [5], [6], [7]. Furthermore, it is to be noted that among these interconnected devices, millions of vehicles fitted with onboard communication systems and a range of autonomous capabilities are being increasingly phased in as part of this network of connected devices [8]. According to the US Department of Transportation and the Connected-Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) initiative of the European Commission [9], [10], this connectivity would enable the vehicles to participate in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) such as See-Through, High-Density Platooning, Automated Overtake, and so on [11], [12]. However, high data rates and reliable communications are needed for next-generation vehicular networks. For example, applications such as See-through vision and bird’s eye view necessitate a data rate in excess of 50 Mbps and a delay of 50 ms. Likewise, automatic overtake necessitates a 10 ms delay and 99.999 percent reliability [13], [14].



European Union through the Horizon 2020: Future Emerging Topics Call (FETOPEN); Research and Innovation Programme; Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development.

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