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Condensed matter physics
Dielectric relaxation processes in an antiferroelectric liquid crystal ~AFLC! have been investigated over a wide range of frequencies from 1 Hz to 1 GHz. The AFLC under investigation possesses a variety of different ferrielectric, ferroelectric, and antiferroelectric phases. Dielectric and polarization measurements under direct bias voltage have been made with a view to clarifying the origin of the high-temperature ferrielectric phase, which appears between the AF and smectic-C* phases. This phase is assigned to an unstable ferrielectric phase with qT parameter greater than 1/2 ~according to the Ising model! or a doubly modulated incommensurate phase ~according to the expanded Landau model!. The results are also supported by conoscopy.
Recommended Citation
Panarin, Yuri; Kalinovskaya, O.; Vij, D.J.; and Goodby, J.W., "Observation and Investigation of the Ferrielectric Subphase with High qT Parameter." (1997). Articles. 125.