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Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence
Electrical and electronic engineering
This paper presents a pilot study that has investigated the suitability of mean room surface exitance as a predictor of spatial brightness and compared these results with how horizontal illuminance predicts spatial brightness under the same conditions. The experiment took a group of 26 participants and, using a scaled booth, exposed each participant to three levels of mean room surface exitance, each delivered with three different light distributions and three different surface reflectances, resulting in a total of 27 light scenes. Results demonstrated that, under the range of conditions to which participants were exposed, a systematic relationship existed between mean room surface exitance and spatial brightness, but not between horizontal illuminance and spatial brightness.
Recommended Citation
Duff, J., Kelly, K. & Cuttle, C. (2015) Spatial Brightness, Horizontal Illuminance and Mean Room Surface Exitance in a Lighting Booth, Lighting Research and Technology, 49(1) · July 2015 doi:10.1177/1477153515597733
Publication Details
Lighting Research and Technology49(1) · July 2015