Document Type
Conference Paper
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Traditionally, the modelling of real systems in engineering, using transfer functions, has been done in a mathematically intense manner. However, non-traditional learners such as mature students, part-time students and students without a conventional second-level educational background may not have strong mathematical foundations; in addition, all students increasingly expect technical work which is practical and which motivates independent learning. This paper reports on, reflects on and evaluates an innovative experiment developed by the author to estimate a transfer function model of a person’s eye-brain-hand motor response. In the experiment, carried out using a PC with data acquisition capability, the person is successively asked to track, with a mouse, ten sine wave signals at different frequencies on a computer screen. Based on an average of the data recorded, the person’s eye-brain-hand motor response in the frequency domain is recorded (and may be summarised on a Bode plot). Subsequently, the parameters of a single input, single output (SISO) process model may be determined, using the analytical technique developed by O’Dwyer [1].
Recommended Citation
O'Dwyer, Aidan : Transfer function modelling: a student-centred learning approach. Proceedings of the International Symposium for Engineering Education (ISEE-07), pp. 195-2007, Dublin City University. doi:10.21427/tzmp-4j72
Publication Details
Proceedings of the International Symposium for Engineering Education (ISEE-07), pp. 195-2007, Dublin City University.