Author ORCID Identifier


Document Type

Conference Paper


Political science, Journalism, Social sciences, Interdisciplinary, 6. HUMANITIES, 6.5 OTHER HUMANITIES

Publication Details

Hogan, John, An exploration into how print and online news journalists manage political fake news in Ireland (November 24, 2023).



This paper examines how a number of Irish political journalists, working for both traditional newspapers and an online news website, deal with the problem of fake news. The aim is to gain an understanding of what the journalists’ perception of political fake news is and the methods they employ to manage it - a sorely under researched topic. Our findings show that the journalists we spoke with feel there are a range of forms that fake news assumes, many of them insidious and challenging to overcome with facts. The paper highlights the important role journalists play in confronting political fake news. It is also clear from the journalists’ perceptions that fake news is a chronic problem, as social media platforms, that serve as a major medium for its spread, become ubiquitous in our daily lives.


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