Document Type

Conference Paper



Publication Details

15th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference: Phoenix Rising on 30 March–1 April 2022. Online in Second Life.



This paper explores the potential of the metaverse as a transformative platform for higher education through the International Student Project. This collaborative initiative unites Çağ University in Türkiye, Technological University Dublin in Ireland, and the US-based nonprofit Whole Brain Health, using the virtual world of Second Life as a hub for teaching, learning, and cross-cultural exchange. The project brings students from Türkiye and Ireland together, supported by Whole Brain Health, to explore collaboratively the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students develop teamwork, digital literacy, and creative skills, producing interactive 3D presentations in an immersive virtual environment. Drawing on each partner’s expertise – virtual campus development, online collaboration, and experiential learning – the initiative highlights the suitability of the metaverse as a space to create innovative, borderless educational experiences. While addressing challenges such as technological barriers and time zone differences, the project demonstrates how these obstacles can be overcome with enthusiasm, creativity, and collaboration. As higher education evolves to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world, this project underscores the role of the metaverse in fostering global collaboration, enhancing student engagement, and bridging cultural divides. It offers a model for inclusive, impactful education and calls on educators to embrace the metaverse as a tool for transformative learning.


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