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Irish Pubs Global is spearheaded by Irish entrepreneur Enda O’Coineen it is the global network linking the owners and managers of Irish Pubs. It contains 20 chapters worldwide and a database of more than 4,000 Irish Pubs. The Gathering event which started on September 29th was also supported by the Licensed Vintners Association and the Vintners Federation of Ireland. The three day programme focused on the ‘Next Generation of Irish Pubs’. A special feature of the Irish Pubs Global Gathering Event was the Beam Cocktail Challenge which took place on Monday 30th September 2013, this initiative between the DIT Bar Management Studies, Irish Pubs Global and Beam brought together DIT students in a unique cocktail challenge for all the delegates from over 22 countries.
Prizes were awarded for three best original cocktail recipes based on Kilbeggan Irish whiskey. Special Irish Pubs Global Gathering Event ‘Mixologist’ Certificates and prizes were presented to the winners by Ms. Jennifer Graham (Brand Ambassador, Kilbeggan Distillery Company) and Enda O’Coineen (Honorary President Irish Pubs Global). Mr. James Murphy (Competition Co-ordinator, DIT Lecturer, Bar Management Studies, College of Arts & Tourism) congratulated all the DIT students reminding the delegates and exhibitors of theDITCollegeof Arts & Tourism commitment to providing on-going challenging and innovative food and beverage management programmes. The Irish Pubs Global Gathering Event – Beam Cocktail Challenge joint winners were as follows;
‘The Rooster Cogburn’
Prepared by: Cian Hamilton (Dundrum House, Main Street, Dublin)
Recipe: 4cl. Kilbeggan Irish whiskey, 10cl. Lemon juice, 8-10 Blackberries, dash Orange bitters, twist black pepper, 1 bar spoon honey syrup. Method: Muddle the blackberries with the other ingredients, shake with ice and double strain the contents into an Old fashioned glass with ice. Garnish: Rosemary with blackberries.
‘Bitter Beg’
Prepared by: Victor Petrakov (Saba Restaurant, Dublin)
Recipe: 3.5 Kilbeggan Irish whiskey, 2 dashes Fee Brothers Cranberry bitters, 3cl Blackcurrant & vanilla tea sugar syrup, 1cl Lemon juice. Method: Shake all the ingredients with ice and double strain into a chilled Champagne flute glass. Garnish: Lemon twist and blackcurrants.
‘Beam and the Giant Peach’
Prepared by: Andrew Kennedy (Play Nighclub, Dublin)
Recipe: Kilbeggan Irish whiskey, 1.5cl Peach Schnapps, 1.5cl De Kuyper Apricot Brandy, 2cl Lime juice, 1cl honey. Method: Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into a chilled double martini glass. Garnish: Peach and lime boat.
cocktails, competition, Irish pubs global, bars, DIT, Jim Beam whiskey, Cooley Distillery