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2014 Mixer Open Cocktail Competition: Ewelina Cygarowska of Lemongrass Restaurant, Citywest Hotel, Saggart, Co. Dublin was crowned cocktail champion at the recent ‘Mixer OPEN Cocktail Competition’ which took place recently at the Parnell Heritage Pub & Grill, Parnell Street, Dublin 1. This initiative between the DIT Bar Management Studies and Dalcassian Wines & Spirits Ltd attracted a large entry. Prizes were awarded for the top three cocktails and points were awarded for the appearance, aroma, taste and the commercial appeal of the cocktails. Special certificates were presented to all the finalists and additional prizes were awarded for the best flairtending bartending shows on the evening by Mr. Conor McCrohan (Marketing Executive Dalcassian Wines & Spirits Ltd). Mr. James Murphy (Competition Co-ordinator & DIT Lecturer, Bar Management Studies, College of Arts & Tourism) congratulated the winners reminding competitors, sponsors and supporters of the DIT Bar Management Studies of their commitment to providing on-going challenging and innovative bar management and cocktail making programmes. The tasting panel of judges Alan Glynn (No. 37 Bar, Dawson Street), Rafael Agapito (House, Dublin) and Robert Boland (Dalcassian Spirits & Wines Ltd) all expressed their delight at the huge interest, creative approaches and professional demonstrations of all the participants of the Mixer OPEN Cocktail Competition. The winners were as follows;
Overall Winner: ‘ Basil Kick’ Prepared by: Ewelina Cygarowska, Lemongrass Restaurant, Citywest Hotel, Saggart, Co. Dublin. & BSc (Hons) Degree Student - DIT, Bar Management Studies Progamme. Recipe: 7cl Iganoff Vodka, 3.5cl Mixer Strawberry Puree, 2.5cl Lemon juice, 1.5cl Sugar Syrup, 5 basil leaves. Method: Shake all the ingredients above with ice and strain into a chilled double martini. Garnish: Strawberry slice.
2nd Place ‘Juan Drink’ Prepared by: Trudy Matthews, Harrys on the Green Bar, South King Street, Dublin 2 Recipe: 3.5cl Tres Sombreros Tequila, 0.5cl BV Land Creme de Menthe (green mint liqueur), 3cl Mixer Passion fruit puree, 3cl Mixer Sweet and sour puree. Method: Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a glass jar, add some cubed and crushed ice. Garnish: Mint sprig and passion fruit coin, add short straws.
3rd Place ‘Tres Amigos’ Prepared by: Dylan Grouse, Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin. Recipe: 3.5cl Tres Sombreros Tequila, 2cl Mixer Sweet and Sour, 2cl Mixer Passion fruit puree. Method: Shake all the above ingredients with ice and strain into a standard chilled martini glass. Garnish: full lemon spiral.
Best Flairtending show award: Andrew Kennedy, Bistro 53, Maynooth, Kildare. Best Flairtending interactive demonstration: Ciaran Phelan, Phelan’s Licensed Grocers, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow
cocktails, competition, Dalcassian Spirits & Wines, bars, DIT, Cathal Brugha Street, Culinary Arts