Document Type

Conference Paper


Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


Communication engineering and systems

Publication Details

EuroNF Workshop on Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet, Paris, France. December, 2009.


This work proposes a bandwidth aware cross-layer modification to the DSR routing protocol. We include the Access Efficiency Factor (AEF) parameter in addition to the hop-count in the routing discovery mechanism. AEF is a measure to the local availability of bandwidth at a node. Employing the AEF as a metric in the routing discovery mechanism attempts to avoid routing through a congested area in the network. In this modification, we impose a limit on the hop-count in order to control the delay time in the network. The path selection procedure operates by finding a path with the highest minimum AEF value. We have utilized the OPNET modeler simulator to investigate the performance of the modified DSR protocol on a series of randomly generated network topologies of different hopcount limits. The simulator was run twice for each network topology. The first run implemented the standard DSR algorithm while the second implemented the modified DSR protocol. The average global throughput and the average global delay time were recorded for each run. We have calculated the percentage throughput improvement and the percentage delay time increment for each topology. Our results show that using AEF as a routing metric, it is possible to significantly enhance the average global throughput of the network. Furthermore, assigning different values to the hop-count limit allows us to control the network delay time.
