Innovation in Collaboration: DIT Students Learning With Communities.
The posters in this collection were prepared by DIT lecturers over the last number of years to showcase the collaboratively designed, course-based, credit-bearing projects which they coordinated between their students and underserved community partners. These projects cover a range of disciplines and levels of study in DIT, and involve work with a range of community partners (charities, NGOs, local communities, DEIS schools etc.). These projects are designed for the mutual benefit of all participants, and some involve community-based learning (or service-learning), while others are community based research (or Science Shop Projects). These projects are supported by DIT's Access and Civic Engagement Office. Further information on these projects can be obtained by contacting the programme for Students Learning With Communities at
Chemical Sciences in the Community
Claire M. McDonnell
Poster describing projects undertaken by Students Learning with Communities e.g. Students Learning with Communities in the School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, DIT; Safety Audits and Chemical Risk Assessments in Small Businesses; Interaction with Schools, St Michael's Youth Project and the General Public.
Community Based Learning with Second Year Chemistry Undergraduates - Piloting a Junior Scientist Badge with a Local Youth Service
Claire M. McDonnell
We developed a pilot syllabus for a Junior Scientist badge for 8-12 year olds. It involved interaction between 16 of our students and 9 young people from St Michael's Youth Project in Inchicore over 5 weeks. The inspiration came from work in the USA to promote science to girls by supporting scouts towards obtaining a chemistry badge. This is one of a series of community based learning (CBL) projects implemented as the 'lab' component of a 2nd year Professional Skills module for chemistry at Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT).
Community Based Research by Applying Chemistry
Claire M. McDonnell
Poster describing projects undertaken by Students Learning With Communities e.g. Road Safety Awareness - Breath and Urine Testing for Alcohol and Development of Roadside Drug Testing Methods; Long-term Study of Soil Quality for a Common Garden and Grangegorman site; Student Placements with Wells for Zoe Charity in Malawi; Development of a liquid soap product from waste food carrier oils with the Lifeline Project.
Introduction to the Exhibition of the Work of Students Learning with Communities
Catherine Bates
This exhibition showcases the work of over 1300 students working with over 100 community partners
CARS: College Awareness of Road Safety
Catherine Bates
This is a collaborative project with the Garda Road Safety Unit and the DIT Programme for Students Learning with Communities which involves students from different disciplines apolying their specialist subject skills to issues of road safety.
LIFELINE and DIT students of various disciplines
Catherine Bates
LIFELINE is a community-led project exploring the potential for transitional land use in the Grangegorman area of Dublin. DIT students across a wide range of programmes have been involved in collaborative work on this project since 2008/9, from Manufacturing and Design Engineering to Spatial Planning, and from Visual Communications to Nutraceuticals.
Wells for Zoe, Malawi and DIT Students from Various Disciplines
Catherine Bates
Since 2008 DIT students across disciplines have collaborated with Irish-Malawian charity Wells for Zoe. Students have spent up to three months in Malawi undertaking community-based projects on work placement modules, addressing the challenges facing local communities. In addition, DIT-based projects include pump design development and digital marketing projects.
MA in Public Relations: Foundation in Community Based Research
Catherine Bates and Edward Brennan
The Foundations in Community Based Research module, the first of its kind in Ireland, allows MA students to work in small groups, each with a community partner, to design, plan, carry out and report on a piece of primary research which the community partner requires, with a focus on public relations research.
MSc Food Safety- Carmichael House, Food Safety Audit
Greg Burke and Dublin Institute of Technology
Poster displaying details of Carmichael House food safety audit which was to audit the food service operation of a registered charity, operating in a listed building and expanding both the range of foods provided and the numbers being catered for. Address all areas and specify appropriate prioritised recommendations
Early Development of Professional Skills Benefits Students & Community Partners
Clare Corish and Daniel McCartney
The BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition & Dietetics programme requires the early development of professional skills. In the Stage 2 module "Professional Practice Studies", academic staff and students worked with Dublin City Council and older people in the North Central area to facilitate the development of these skills.
Early Development of Professional Skills Benefits Students & Community Partners
Clare Corish and Daniel McCartney
Poster advocating Early Development of Professional Skills Benefits Students & Community Partners
Students Re-Designing Rooms in the Building in Collaboration with the Young People of SMPYP
Tracey Dalton
This was a live project for students
which involved collaboration with the young people of the youth project .
This involved meetings, taking a brief, surveying, photographing and presenting their finished proposals to their ‘clients’.
It gave the students an indication of how to work with real clients and to give back to the community through creativity.
It also gave students an awareness of using budgets in projects.
Crosscare Cafés
Tracey Dalton and Dublin Institute of Technology
Poster displaying details of project where students plan and design cafés in four locations across Dublin in collaboration with Crosscare.
The Aisling Project and DIT Students
Dublin Institute of Technology
Poster showing the Aisling Project which is an after school initiative based in Ballymun.
Shopping Travel Behaviour in Dublin City Centre Survey.
Dublin Institute of Technology and David O'Connor
Poster displaying details of DIT School of Spatial Planning staff and students collaborating with the Irish Environmental Network and the Dublin Cycling Campaign to conceive and design this survey. All partners benefitted from the generation of information about shopper travel behaviour as well as about the perceptions of various interest groups. This information is being utilised to raise awareness of city centre environmental issues, ultimately leading to improved urban design which will benefit all city centre users.
Smarter Travel Survey.
Dublin Institute of Technology and David O'Connor
Poster displaying details of Smarter travel survey. Dublin City Council is seeking to have Drimnagh designated as a Smarter Travel town. Smarter Travel towns are areas where latest practices and investments in sustainable travel are piloted and reviewed. One of the initiatives being explored is a Personalised Travel Plan (PTP), whereby local people are encouraged to improve their travel behaviour via direct marketing. As part of UniverCities (part of the Creative Dublin Alliance) and Students Learning with Communities (SLWC) initiatives, DIT School of Spatial Planning agreed to carry out a survey of the local community to gauge interest in and the likely success of such an initiative.
Lego Sumo Wrestling: Electrical Engineering Students Teach Programming to Children in Ballymun
Gavin Duffy
Engineering students from DIT teach in the Aisling Projects in Ballymun where they work with children in programming Lego Mindstorms robots.
Light Therapy Treatment Using Quiet Motors and Remote Control
Gavin Duffy
A final year Electrical Engineering student worked with Camphill Community to develop a quiet motor system to adjust the blinds in a light therapy treatment room for people with cerebral palsy.
Burning Candles at Both Ends
Brenda Duggan
Poster displaying details of project carried out by DIT students in fire safety week 2009. As part of 2009 Fire Safety Week, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Department of Design in DIT devised a challenge for students with the aim of promoting awareness of fire safety, particularly as students move from home into rented accommodation. Third Year students of Visual Communication were invited to submit a project as part of their assessment on the theme of “Burning the Candle at Both Ends”. Initially working individually, and later in teams, students were asked to produce an interactive digital media presentation, complemented by a printed element to complete their fire safety campaign.
DIT-Larkin Community College Tutoring Project
Julie Dunne
Over a 10 week period DIT 1st. year Pharmacy Technician students tutor Larkin Community College Students in Leaving Certificate Biology.
College Awareness of Road Safety (CARS) and DIT Civil Engineering Students
Valerie Fenton
The aim of this project was to raise awareness of the vulnerability of road users such as pedestrians and cyclists, in collaboration with the Garda Road Safety Unit. Civil Engineering students and Tourism Marketing students collaboratively researched user behaviour at inner-city junctions, and developed and costed proposals to improve the design of the junctions.
"Tea and Friends" - Celebrating 21 Years of Home-Start, Blanchardstown.
Anne Fitzpatrick
Poster showing Home-Start which is a voluntary organization working with under fives in Blanchardstown.
Working with Families: Theory and Practice Hand-in-Hand
Anne Fitzpatrick
Final year students of the DIT BA Early Childhood Education (ECE) programme worked with the home visitors from the NCI’s Early Learning Initiative - Parent Child Home Programme – to review the content of the guide sheets they use with parents. A Professional Design Practice MA student designed a new template for the guide sheets, for her major project.
Second Year Architecture Community Based Project
Patrick Flynn
Project based in the town of Monasterevin, Co. Laois, where students worked with local community members to develop proposals for the civic realm and the overall town strategy. Students also collaborated with members of Men Alone In No-man’s land (MAIN) to develop a concept design for a ‘manshed’ as a possible base for the men’s group, as part of the Monasterevin scheme.
St. Brigid's Nursery- Second Year Architecture
Patrick Flynn
Poster with details of students' project on locating a nursery school in inner city Dublin. St Brigid’s Nursery school is currently located in Mountjoy Square. The second year architecture students explored the possibility of designing a new custom built nursery school on the existing site and a number of new locations in the North East inner city. The sites were chosen in conjunction with Dublin City Council