Optical properties of charged polymer with nano-sized zeolite inclusions
Document Type Conference Paper
T. Yovcheva, I.Naydenova I. Vlaeva, R. Todorov , V. Toal, and S. Sainov, Optical properties of charged polymer with nano-sized zeolite inclusions, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials -Symposia, V.1 (3), 604-607, Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan Countries 26 - 28 May 2008, Mugla University, Mugla, TURKEY
The optical characteristics of photopolymer films doped with nanoparticles are studied. The investigated systems consist of a soft polymer matrix containing porous zeolite nanoparticles with concentrations varied in the range from 0wt.% to 7wt.%. 40μm thick layers are obtained by casting the photopolymer nanocomposite solution on glass substrates. The corona charging influence on the transmission spectra and on the surface and the effective refractive index of the dry layers is investigated.